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Packages from zenstruck

Package Status
zenstruck/assert Standalone, lightweight, framework agnostic, test assertion library. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/assert-html Fluent html assertions. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/asset-manifest-bundle Loads an asset manifest to map your assets to dynamic ones. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/backup Library to create and archive backups Dependency Badge
zenstruck/backup-bundle Symfony Bundle that wraps backup commands Dependency Badge
zenstruck/browser A fluent interface for your Symfony functional tests. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/bytes Parse, manipulate, humanize, and format bytes. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/cache-bundle Provides a httpcache warmup command for Symfony2 Dependency Badge
zenstruck/callback Callable wrapper to validate and inject arguments. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/changelog Generate pretty release changelogs using the commit log and Github API. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/class-metadata Add human readable class aliases & metadata with efficient lookups. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/collection Helpers for iterating/paginating/filtering collections (with Doctrine ORM/DBAL implementations and batch processing utilities). Dependency Badge
zenstruck/console-extra A modular set of features to reduce configuration boilerplate for your Symfony commands. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/console-test Alternative, opinionated helper for testing Symfony console commands. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/content-bundle Simple CMS for Symfony2 using Doctrine2 Class Table Inheritance Dependency Badge
zenstruck/controller-util Utilities for creating Symfony2 responses without dependencies. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/controller-util-bundle Symfony2 Bundle for zenstruck/controller-util Dependency Badge
zenstruck/controller-util-service-provider Silex ServiceProvider for zenstruck/controller-util Dependency Badge
zenstruck/dashboard-bundle Provides a configurable administration menu and dashboard with customizable widgets. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/datagrid-bundle Provides a sortable/filterable/paginated datagrid for your entities. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/dimension Wrap quantity and unit of measure with conversions/humanizers. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/dom DOM crawler with advanced selector API and assertions. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/dsn DSN parsing library with support for complex expressions. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/elastica-bundle Lightweight Symfony bundle wrapping Elastica. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/filesystem Wrapper for league/flysystem with alternate API and added functionality. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/form-bundle Provides Twitter Bootstrap form theme, a help type extension, Ajax/Tunnel/Select2 entity form types and javascript helpers Dependency Badge
zenstruck/foundry A model factory library for creating expressive, auto-completable, on-demand dev/test fixtures with Symfony and Doctrine. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/governator A generic fixed window rate limiting throttle with an intuitive and fluent API that supports multiple backends. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/image Image file wrapper with generic transformation support. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/imagine-extra-bundle Integrate imagine-filters library into Symfony2 Dependency Badge
zenstruck/imagine-filters Extra filters for Imagine Dependency Badge
zenstruck/intl Useful helpers for easing internationalization Dependency Badge
zenstruck/jwt JSON Object Signing and Encryption library for PHP. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/mailer-test Alternative, opinionated helpers for testing emails sent with symfony/mailer. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/media-bundle Provides a simple media/file management GUI for Symfony2 Dependency Badge
zenstruck/memoize Helper trait to efficiently cache expensive methods in memory. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/messenger-monitor-bundle Batteries included UI to monitor your Messenger workers, transports, schedules, and messages. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/messenger-test Assertions and helpers for testing your symfony/messenger queues. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/migrations-bundle Wrapper for DoctrineMigrationsBundle that enables container aware migrations Dependency Badge
zenstruck/mobile-bundle Tools for managing a mobile version of your Symfony2 application Dependency Badge
zenstruck/object-routing-bundle Symfony2 Bundle that allows generating urls from objects (sf1 style). Dependency Badge
zenstruck/php-excel-plus Wrapper for PHPExcel that provides abstraction for simple tasks Dependency Badge
zenstruck/phpmyadmin-server Run phpMyAdmin in the background with a PHP webserver Dependency Badge
zenstruck/porpaginas Library that generically solves several pagination issues with DAO/repository abstractions. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/queue Unified API for different queue services. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/redirect-bundle Store redirects for your site and keeps statistics on redirects and 404 errors Dependency Badge
zenstruck/redis Lazy proxy for php-redis with DX helpers, utilities and a unified API. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/resource-bundle Provides an easy way to create a RESTful CRUD for your entities. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/schedule-bundle Schedule Cron jobs (commands/callbacks/bash scripts) within your Symfony application. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/signed-url-bundle Helpers for signing and verifying urls with support for temporary and single-use urls. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/slugify-bundle Provides a slugify service and twig filter for Symfony2. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/stream Object wrapper for PHP resources. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/string String utilities Dependency Badge
zenstruck/string-twig Twig integration for zenstruck/string. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/temp-file Temporary file wrapper. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/twig-service-bundle Make functions, static methods, Symfony service methods available in your twig templates. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/uri Object-oriented wrapper/manipulator for parse_url with additional features. Dependency Badge
zenstruck/version-bundle Keep track of your Symfony2 application's version Dependency Badge