
2 total, 1 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
yiisoft/rbac Yii Role-Based Access Control ^1.0 2.0.0 outdated
yiisoft/var-dumper Enhances functionality of var_dump() and var_export(). It is dealing with recursive references, may highlight syntax and export closures. ^1.0 1.7.0 up to date

Requires (dev)

6 total, 4 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ^9.5 11.5.2 outdated
psr/log Common interface for logging libraries ^1.1.3 3.0.2 outdated
roave/infection-static-analysis-plugin Static analysis on top of mutation testing - prevents escaped mutants from being invalid according to static analysis ^1.18 1.35.0 up to date
spatie/phpunit-watcher Automatically rerun PHPUnit tests when source code changes ^1.23 1.24.0 up to date
vimeo/psalm A static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications ^4.22 5.26.1 outdated
yiisoft/files Helper to manage files and directories ^1.0 2.0.0 outdated