36 total, 6 outdated, 1 unknown
Package | Required | Latest | Status | |
httpsoft/http-message | Strict and fast implementation of PSR-7 and PSR-17 | ^1.1 | 1.1.6 | up to date |
psr/container | Common Container Interface (PHP FIG PSR-11) | ^2.0 | 2.0.2 | up to date |
psr/http-message | Common interface for HTTP messages | ^1.1|^2.0 | 2.0 | up to date |
psr/http-server-handler | Common interface for HTTP server-side request handler | ^1.0 | 1.0.2 | up to date |
symfony/console | Eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces | ^6.0 | v7.2.1 | outdated |
vlucas/phpdotenv | Loads environment variables from `.env` to `getenv()`, `$_ENV` and `$_SERVER` automagically. | ^5.3 | v5.6.1 | up to date |
yiisoft/aliases | Named paths and URLs storage | ^3.0 | 3.0.0 | up to date |
yiisoft/assets | Asset bundles and asset manager | ^4.0 | 5.0.0 | outdated |
yiisoft/cache | Yii Caching Library | ^3.0 | 3.0.0 | up to date |
yiisoft/cache-file | Yii Caching Library - File Handler | ^3.0 | 3.2.0 | up to date |
yiisoft/config | Composer plugin and a library for config assembling | ^1.1 | 1.6.0 | up to date |
yiisoft/csrf | Yii CSRF Protection Library | ^2.0 | 2.2.0 | up to date |
yiisoft/data-response | Allows responding with data that is automatically converted into PSR-7 response | ^2.0 | 2.1.0 | up to date |
yiisoft/definitions | The package provides definition syntax | ^3.0 | 3.3.1 | up to date |
yiisoft/di | Yii DI container | ^1.2 | 1.3.0 | up to date |
yiisoft/error-handler | Yii Error Handling Library | ^3.0 | 4.0.0 | outdated |
yiisoft/factory | Yii Factory | ^1.0 | 1.3.0 | up to date |
yiisoft/files | Helper to manage files and directories | ^2.0 | 2.0.0 | up to date |
yiisoft/html | Handy library to generate HTML | ^3.0 | 3.9.0 | up to date |
yiisoft/http | Constants and PSR-7 PhpStorm meta for HTTP protocol headers, methods and statuses | ^1.2 | 1.2.0 | up to date |
yiisoft/i18n | Yii Internationalization Library | ^1.1 | 1.2.1 | up to date |
yiisoft/log | Yii Logging Library | ^2.0 | 2.1.0 | up to date |
yiisoft/log-target-file | Yii Logging Library - File Target | ^3.0 | 3.0.0 | up to date |
yiisoft/router | Yii router | ^3.0 | 3.1.0 | up to date |
yiisoft/router-fastroute | Yii router FastRoute adapter | ^3.0 | 3.1.0 | up to date |
yiisoft/translator | Yii Message Translator | ^3.0 | 3.1.0 | up to date |
yiisoft/translator-message-php | Yii Translator PHP Message Storage | ^1.1 | 1.1.1 | up to date |
yiisoft/view | Yii View Rendering Library | ^8.0 | 12.0.0 | outdated |
yiisoft/yii-console | Symfony console wrapper with additional features | ^2.0 | 2.3.0 | up to date |
yiisoft/yii-debug | Yii Framework Debug Panel Extension | dev-master|dev-php80 | | unknown |
yiisoft/yii-event | Yii Event | ^2.0 | 2.1.0 | up to date |
yiisoft/yii-http | Yii HTTP Application | ^1.0 | 1.0.4 | up to date |
yiisoft/yii-middleware | Yii Middleware | ^1.0 | 1.0.4 | up to date |
yiisoft/yii-runner-console | Console application runner | ^2.0 | 2.2.0 | up to date |
yiisoft/yii-runner-http | HTTP application runner | ^2.0 | 3.1.0 | outdated |
yiisoft/yii-view | PSR-7 compatible view renderer | ^6.0 | 7.3.0 | outdated |
14 total, 3 outdated, 4 unknown
Package | Required | Latest | Status | |
codeception/c3 | CodeCoverage collector for Codeception | ^2.7 | 2.9.0 | up to date |
codeception/codeception | BDD-style testing framework | ^5.0 | 5.2.1 | up to date |
codeception/module-asserts | Codeception module containing various assertions | ^3.0 | 3.0.0 | up to date |
codeception/module-cli | Codeception module for testing basic shell commands and shell output | ^2.0 | 2.0.1 | up to date |
codeception/module-phpbrowser | Codeception module for testing web application over HTTP | ^3.0 | 3.0.1 | up to date |
phpunit/phpunit | The PHP Unit Testing framework. | ^9.5 | 12.0.4 | outdated |
rector/rector | Instant Upgrade and Automated Refactoring of any PHP code | ^1.0.0 | 2.0.9 | outdated |
roave/infection-static-analysis-plugin | Static analysis on top of mutation testing - prevents escaped mutants from being invalid according to static analysis | ^1.34 | 1.36.0 | up to date |
roave/security-advisories | Prevents installation of composer packages with known security vulnerabilities: no API, simply require it | dev-master | | unknown |
spatie/phpunit-watcher | Automatically rerun PHPUnit tests when source code changes | ^1.23 | 1.24.0 | up to date |
vimeo/psalm | A static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications | ^5.20 | 6.8.6 | outdated |
yiisoft/yii-debug-api | Yii Debug API | 3.0.x-dev | | unknown |
yiisoft/yii-debug-viewer | Yii Debug Viewer | ^3.0@dev | | unknown |
yiisoft/yii-testing | yii-testing | dev-master | | unknown |