
5 total, 1 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
firebase/php-jwt A simple library to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in PHP. Should conform to the current spec. ^6.10.0 v6.11.0 up to date
kint-php/kint Kint - Advanced PHP dumper ^6.0 6.0.1 up to date
paragonie/random_compat PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7 ^9.99.100 v9.99.100 up to date
symfony/yaml Loads and dumps YAML files ^5.4.45 v7.2.3 outdated
webmozart/assert Assertions to validate method input/output with nice error messages. ^1.11.0 1.11.0 up to date

Requires (dev)

2 total, 1 outdated, 1 unknown

Package Required Latest Status
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ^9.6 12.0.4 outdated
roave/security-advisories Prevents installation of composer packages with known security vulnerabilities: no API, simply require it dev-latest unknown