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Packages from wyrihaximus

Package Status
wyrihaximus/api-client Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/api-client-resource-generator Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/appveyor-client Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/async-test-utilities Test utilities for api-clients packages Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/broadcast ✨ Statically on composer install/update compiled (async) event dispatcher Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/broadcast-contracts ✨ Contracts for wyrihaximus/broadcast Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/cake-async-orm Asynchronous CakePHP ORM Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/cake-di Ratchet websockets integration plugin for CakePHP Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/cake-phergie-bot Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/cake-react-http Asynchronous CakePHP HTTP Server Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/cli-fly Flysystem Service Provider for Cilex Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/coding-standard WyriHaximus Coding Standard Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/composer-update-bin-autoload-path 🏰 Composer plugin that fills a bin file with the absolute composer autoload path Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/compress Compress marker interface and utility compressors Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/compress-contracts Compress marker interface Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/compress-test-utilities Compress test utilities Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/constants Collection of constants for PHP Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/cpu-core-detector Detect how many CPU cores are available Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/cs-fixer-config friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer config Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/css-compress Compress/minify your CSS Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/dev-master Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/doctrine-annotation-autoloader Request middleware Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/fake-php-version Ever wanted a fake non-existing version number of PHP, well this package is for you! Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/file-descriptors List open file descriptors for the current process cross platform Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/fly-pie Flysystem integration plugin for CakePHP 5 Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/generative-composer-plugin-tooling πŸ¦β€πŸ”₯ Generative Composer Plugin Tooling Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/get-in-packages-composer.jason Functions around joshdifabio/composed and igorw/get-in to gather configuration from composer.json Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/hotspots HeatMap generation library Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/html-compress Compress/minify your HTML Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/html-compress-sculpin Compress/minify your HTML for Sculpin Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/hydrator Middleware infused hydrator Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/hydrator-middleware-metrics Metrics middleware for wyrihaximus/hydrator Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/iterator-or-array-to-array Like iterator_to_array but doesn't error when handed an array Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/js-compress Compress/minify your JavaScript Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/json-psr7 JSON encode and decode PSR-7 requests and responses Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/json-throwable πŸ“  JSON encode and decode throwables and exceptions Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/json-utilities Utilities for php-json-* packages Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/list-classes-in-directory Allows you to list full qualified class names in directories and files. Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/metrics πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ Prometheus modelled metric VO's and registry Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/metrics-lazy-registry πŸ‘» Lazy registry for wyrihaximus/metrics Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/metrics-prometheus-push-gateway πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ Prometheus modelled metric VO's and registry Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/metrics-tactician Metric collection for Tactician Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/minify-html Html minifier for CakePHP3 Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/monolog-factory 🧐🏭 Opinionated Monolog factory Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/monolog-formatted-psr-handler Passes `formatted` instead of `message` to the PSR-3 logger Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/monolog-processors Collection of additional processors for monolog Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/msgpack ext-msgpack polyfill using rybakit/msgpack Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/parallel-runtime 🎁 ext-parallel runtime wrapping adding error, signal, and exception handling Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/phergie-dns Phergie plugin for Looking up IP's by hostnames Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/phergie-http Phergie plugin for Provide HTTP functionality to other plugins Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/phergie-url Phergie plugin for Display URL information about links Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/phpstan-react πŸ‘Ž ReactPHP extension for PHPStan Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/phpstan-rules-wrapper 🌯 PHPStan rules wrapper Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/phpunit-class-reflection-helpers Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/phpunit-green-is-the-new-red Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/phunin-cake Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/phunin-node munin-node in PHP Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/pimple-flysystem-service Flysystem Service for Pimple Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/pool-info Interface for pool info metrics Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/psr-15-cat CAT! Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/psr-15-cowsay Mooooooooooooooooo! Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/psr-15-etc-passwd PSR-15 middleware that pretends to expose /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/psr-3-bunny PSR-3 Bunny (RabbitMQ) logger Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/psr-3-callable-throwable-logger callable throwable decorator around a PSR-3 logger (to be used with react/promise and reactivex/rxphp) Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/psr-3-context-logger PSR-3 context logger decorator Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/psr-3-filter PSR-3 log level filter Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/psr-3-keyword-filter PSR-3 keyword filter Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/psr-3-utilities PSR-3 logger utilities Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/psr-7-ascii-headers Add ASCII art to PSR-7 message headers Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/pusher-client Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/ratchet Ratchet websockets integration plugin for CakePHP Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/ratchet-commands Brings 2 way communication to wyrihaximus/ratchet. Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/ratchet-model-push Allows models to push data on write operations to wyrihaximus/ratchet. Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/ratchet-pcntl Add OS signaling to ratchet for CakePHP Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/ratchet-statistics Gathers metrics/statistics from wyrihaximus/ratchet. Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-async-interop-loop Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-awaitable-observable πŸ› οΈ Make observables foreachable using async & await Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-cache-base64 base64 decorator for react/cache Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-cache-fallback Fallback decorator for react/cache Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-cache-filesystem Store cache items on the filesystem Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-cache-json JSON encode/decode decorator for react/cache Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-cache-key-prefix Prefix all calls with a prefix Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-cache-msgpack MessagePack encode/decode decorator for react/cache Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-cache-psr-16-adapter πŸ”Œ PSR-16 adapter Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-cache-read-write ReactPHP cache that sends read and write calls to difference wrapped caches Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-cache-redis Redis cache for react/cache Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-cache-serialize (un)serialize decorator for react/cache Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-cache-swallow-throwables TBD Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-cache-ttl-utils Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-child-process-closure Run closures in ReactPHP Child Processes Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-child-process-messenger Messenger decorator for react/child-process Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-child-process-pool Pool wyrihaximus/react-child-process-messenger processes Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-child-process-pool-phunin-node-plugin Messenger decorator for react/child-process Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-child-process-pool-redis-queue Put your Child Process Pool queue in Redis Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-child-process-promise Wrapping ticks into a promise Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-child-process-promise-closure ReactPHP Child Process Promise Closure child class Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-child-process-psr-3 Wrap PSR-3 logger into a child process Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-cron ⏱️ Cronlike scheduler running inside the ReactPHP Event Loop Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-env-notifier πŸ“£ Notifies when an environment variable changes Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-event-loop-inspector Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-event-loop-inspector-f42 React Stream throughput inspector Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-event-loop-inspector-f42-bunny Bunny bindings Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-event-loop-inspector-phunin-node-plugin Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-event-loop-rx-scheduler-hook-up πŸͺ Hook up ReactPHP Event Loop to the RxPHP Scheduler Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-filesystem-flysystem react/filesystem Flysystem Adapter Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-filesystem-s3 Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-guzzle Asyncronous Guzzle adapter powered by react/http-client Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-guzzle-http-client Asynchronous adapter for different Guzzle versions powered by react/http-client Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-guzzle-psr7 Asyncronous Guzzle (PSR7) adapter powered by react/http-client Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-guzzle-ring Asyncronous GuzzleRing adapter powered by react/http-client Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-http-contextual-middleware-runner Run a set of react/http middleware when a context checker passes Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-http-middleware-clear-body react/http middleware that removes the raw body from the request Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-http-middleware-compress-assets react/http middleware that compresses JS/CSS response bodies Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-http-middleware-custom-request-body-parsers react/http middleware for custom request body parsers Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-http-middleware-fast-route Fast Route ReactPHP HTTP Server Middleware Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-http-middleware-html-compress react/http middleware that compresses HTML response bodies Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-http-middleware-measure react/http middleware that gathers metrics on requests passing through Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-http-middleware-request-timeout react/http middleware that times out and cancels long running requests after X seconds Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-http-middleware-response-cache Response caching middleware for @reactphp's HTTP server Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-http-middleware-response-cache-session-cache-configuration Cache configuration that will prevent any request or response with an active session interact with the cache Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-http-middleware-resume-response-body react/http middleware that resumes response bodies if they are streaming Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-http-middleware-rewrite A internal path rewrite middleware for react/http Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-http-middleware-runner Middleware runner for react/http Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-http-middleware-session react/http middleware that takes care of session handling Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-http-middleware-twig ReactPHP HTTP Twig Middleware Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-http-middleware-webroot-preload react/http middleware static webroot serving Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-http-middleware-with-headers react/http middleware to add headers to a response Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-http-psr-15-middleware-group Opinionated PSR-15 middleware group for react/http Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-http-server-middleware-with-headers Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-inspector Inspect react/* packages for metrics and other insights Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-inspector-bunny Bunny bindings Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-inspector-child-process-pools Child process pools collector for wyrihaximus/react-inspector Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-inspector-cpu-usage CPU usage collector for wyrihaximus/react-inspector Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-inspector-event-loop Inspect react/event-loop package for metrics Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-inspector-http-middleware-measure ReactPHP Inspector collector for wyrihaximus/react-http-middleware-measure Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-inspector-memory-usage Message the memory usage of the current PHP process Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-inspector-parallel-pools Child process pools collector for wyrihaximus/react-inspector Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-inspector-simple-orm ReactPHP Inspector collector for wyrihaximus/react-simple-orm Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-inspector-stream React Stream throughput inspector Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-mutex Mutex locking for ReactPHP projects Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-mutex-contracts Mutex locking contracts for ReactPHP projects Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-mutex-key-prefix ReactPHP Mutex Key Prefix Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-mutex-redis Mutex locking for ReactPHP projects using Redis Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-mutex-test-utilities Mutex locking test utilities for ReactPHP projects Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-observable-bunny RxPHP decorator around bunny Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-opportunistic-tls Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-parallel Bridging ext-parallel and ReactPHP Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-parallel-contracts Interfaces for ReactPHP ext-parallel related packages Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-parallel-future-to-promise-converter ReactPHP ext-parallel Future to Promise converter Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-parallel-infinite-pool ♾️ Infinite pool for bridging ext-parallel and ReactPHP Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-parallel-pool-tests 🎱 Pool tests for bridging ext-parallel and ReactPHP Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-parallel-runtime Convinence wrapper around ext-parallel Runtime for and ReactPHP Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-phpunit-run-tests-in-fiber Trait to run all tests in a fiber Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-psr-3-loggly Async PSR-3 loggly logger Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-psr-3-phergie Turn Phergie into a PSR-3 logger Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-psr-3-stdio Async PSR-3 stdio logger Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-psr-7-stream 🎁 Decorate ReactPHP streams as PSR-7 streams Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-psr7-stream-converter PSR7 to ReactPHP stream converter and vice versa Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-redis-waiting-client Waiting client around clue/redis-react Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-simple-orm EXPERIMENTAL: Package to see how feasible a simple ORM in ReactPHP is Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-stdio-symfony-console Symfony Console wrapper around clue/stdio-react Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-stream-base64 Base64 stream encoders/decoders for ReactPHP Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-stream-hash On the fly hash calculator for ReactPHP streams Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-stream-json Incremental JSON encoder writing to a react/stream Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-stream-structured-utilities Incremental JSON encoder writing to a react/stream Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-stream-xml Incremental XML encoder writing to a react/stream Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-sync-configmap-mount-to-env πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ Monitors and syncs configmap mount into environment variables Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/react-throw-unhandled-rejected-promises 🀹 Throw any unhandled rejected promise Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/recoil-callable Wrap any coroutine callable and run it through RecoilPHP on invocation Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/recoil-promise-coroutine-wrapper A simple API around WyriHaximus/recoil-queue-caller(-pool) Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/recoil-queue-caller Call all callables from the observable from within a RecoilPHP coroutine Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/recoil-queue-caller-pool Pool wyrihaximus/recoil-queue-caller Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/repository-template Repository template generator and checker Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/rx-recoil-looper Looper functions for while and foreach around rxphp using recoil Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/s3-parallel-upload Asyncronous upload to AWS S3 Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/simple-twig 🌱 Wrapper around Twig making rendering a string template trivial Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/sli-fly Flysystem Service Provider for Silex Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/staticmap PHP implementation of the Google Maps Static API Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/string-get-in Wrapper around igorw/get-in using strings rather then arrays are keys Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/subsplit-tools Tools to do initial code generation for sub split set up Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/sun Sun: A package for wrapping services and gathering metrics Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/tactician-command-handler-mapper Command to Handler mapper for Tactician Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/tactician-job-command-mapper Job to Command mapper for Tactician Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/test-utilities πŸ› οΈ Test utilities for api-clients packages Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/ticking-promise ⏲️ Wrapping ticks into a promise Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/tic-tac-toe Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/tile-stitcher πŸ—ΊοΈ Tile stitcher Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/to-child-process-or-not-to-child-process To child process or not to child process Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/to-coroutine-or-not-to-coroutine To coroutine or not to coroutine Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/to-thread-or-not-to-thread To thread or not to thread Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/to-x-or-not-to-x To X or not to X Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/travis-client Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/travis-config-parser Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/travis-log-parser Dependency Badge
wyrihaximus/twig-view Twig powered View for CakePHP Dependency Badge