
6 total, all up-to-date

Package Required Latest Status
composer/composer Composer helps you declare, manage and install dependencies of PHP projects. It ensures you have the right stack everywhere. ^2.0 2.8.5 up to date
symfony/console Eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces ^4.0|^5.0|^6.0|^7.0 v7.2.1 up to date
symfony/yaml Loads and dumps YAML files ^4.0|^5.0|^6.0|^7.0 v7.2.3 up to date
wsdltophp/packagebase Contains the base classes to be used by classes generated by wsdltophp/packagegenerator ^5.0 5.0.4 up to date
wsdltophp/phpgenerator Generate php source file ^4.0 4.1.1 up to date
wsdltophp/wsdlhandler Decorative design pattern to ease WSDL handling ^1.0 1.0.7 up to date

Requires (dev)

4 total, 3 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer A tool to automatically fix PHP code style ^3.0 v3.69.1 up to date
phpstan/phpstan PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool ^1.3 2.1.6 outdated
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ^9 12.0.3 outdated
rector/rector Instant Upgrade and Automated Refactoring of any PHP code ^0.15.17 2.0.9 outdated