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Packages from willdurand

Package Status
willdurand/email-reply-parser Port of the cool GitHub's EmailReplyParser library in PHP Dependency Badge
willdurand/faker-bundle Put the awesome Faker lib into the DIC and populate your database with fake data. Dependency Badge
willdurand/geocoder Common files for PHP Geocoder Dependency Badge
willdurand/geocoder-bundle Integration of Geocoder into Symfony Dependency Badge
willdurand/hateoas A PHP library to support implementing representations for HATEOAS REST web services Dependency Badge
willdurand/hateoas-bundle Integration of Hateoas into Symfony2. Dependency Badge
willdurand/jsonp-callback-validator JSONP callback validator. Dependency Badge
willdurand/js-translation-bundle A pretty nice way to expose your translation messages to your JavaScript. Dependency Badge
willdurand/negotiation Content Negotiation tools for PHP provided as a standalone library. Dependency Badge
willdurand/nmap nmap is a PHP wrapper for Nmap, a free security scanner for network exploration. Dependency Badge
willdurand/oauth-server-bundle Server side implementation of the OAuth 1.0 protocol based on RFC 5849 Dependency Badge
willdurand/pman on Composer/Packagist Dependency Badge
willdurand/propel-eventdispatcher-behavior Integrates the Symfony2 EventDispatcher component in your Model classes. Dependency Badge
willdurand/propel-eventdispatcher-bundle Integrates the Propel EventDispatcherBehavior into Symfony2. Dependency Badge
willdurand/propel-geocodable-behavior The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records. Dependency Badge
willdurand/propel-publishable-behavior Dependency Badge
willdurand/propel-statemachine-behavior Adds a finite state machine to your model. Dependency Badge
willdurand/propel-typehintable-behavior Insane Propel behavior that helps you to be compliant with third-party interfaces by adding type hint to generated methods. Dependency Badge
willdurand/rest-extra-bundle This bundle provides extra features for your REST APIs built using Symfony2. Dependency Badge
willdurand/stack-negotiation Stack middleware for content negotiation. Dependency Badge