.Package | Status | |
webvariants/adminer | integrates Adminer into the SallyCMS backend | |
webvariants/aws-sdk-php-sallycms | An AddOn for SallyCMS, providing config options and container extensions to integrate AWS PHP SDK | |
webvariants/babelcache | Generic caching library with namespace support | |
webvariants/cache-proxy | Very basic PHP-based reverse proxy, built with Symfony Components and Guzzle | |
webvariants/cloudfront-sallycms | A Sally AddOn, providing rudimentary CloudFront integration | |
webvariants/comments | An AddOn for SallyCMS to comment anything you want. | |
webvariants/datebook | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing a date calendar backend and API. | |
webvariants/datetimeonlinecontrol | An addon for SallyCMS, which adds online/offline handling by timestamp for articles. | |
webvariants/deployer | AddOn for SallyCMS to join and compress CSS and JS files. | |
webvariants/developer-utils | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing additional API | |
webvariants/discounts | Manage discounts on products handled by the payments addon. Manage general coupons. | |
webvariants/dohdle | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing a Doodle-like tool for arranging dates. | |
webvariants/dynamodb-sessions | A Sally AddOn registering the DynamoDB session handler. Its based on webvariants/sally-aws-api. | |
webvariants/error-handler | AddOn for SallyCMS to act as a more full-featured error handler | |
webvariants/esi | AddOn for SallyCMS, Edge Side Includes for Sally | |
webvariants/eventlog | AddOn for SallyCMS to log events | |
webvariants/feedback | provides an enhanced feedback mechanism for backend users | |
webvariants/feeds | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing RSS/Atom feeds for articles | |
webvariants/form-evaluation | AddOn for SallyCMS to define and evaluate forms via YAML | |
webvariants/frontenduser | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing an extended user management. | |
webvariants/frontenduser-facebook | Facebook Connect Plugin for Frontenduser | |
webvariants/frontenduser-friendconnect | Google FriendConnect for Frontenduser | |
webvariants/fullpagecache | AddOn for SallyCMS to cache complete HTML pages and don't load Sally on every request. | |
webvariants/gaufrette-webdav | Bridge between Gaufrette and SabreDAV | |
webvariants/global-settings | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing a generic configuration backend | |
webvariants/guestbook | AddOn for SallyCMS to build guestbooks with frontend comments. | |
webvariants/guestbook-antispam | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing spam detection via webservices for the guestbook addOn | |
webvariants/handsontable | AddOn for SallyCMS, integrating Handsontable | |
webvariants/ip-filter | restrict access to frontend and/or backend to certain IP (ranges) | |
webvariants/lucene-search | AddOn for SallyCMS which provides an API to the Zend Lucene Search Engine | |
webvariants/lucene-search-datebook | Provides an indexer for datebook dates to the Lucene Search addOn. | |
webvariants/lucene-search-httpservice | Provides a HTTP webservice for querying a lucene index. | |
webvariants/lucene-search-slyarticles | Provides an indexer for Sally articles to the Lucene Search addOn. | |
webvariants/lucene-search-slyboard | Provides an indexer for the SlyBoard addOn to the Lucene Search addOn. | |
webvariants/lucene-search-slyusers | Provides an indexer for Sally users to the Lucene Search addOn. | |
webvariants/maintenance | AddOn for SallyCMS to put a website into a maintenance mode and restrict access to it. | |
webvariants/markitup | AddOn for SallyCMS, integrating the Markitup! editor into the backend. | |
webvariants/metainfo | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing an extensible metadata system for articles, categories, media and users. | |
webvariants/metainfo-articletypes | Allows to restrict article types per category via metainfos. | |
webvariants/navigation | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing a navigation with metadata | |
webvariants/onlinecontrol | addOn for SallyCMS, providing dynamic article status handling | |
webvariants/onlinecontrol-date | provides a date-based online switch for articles | |
webvariants/pac | a simple role-based access control implementation | |
webvariants/payments | An addOn for SallyCMS, adding a simple payment API for shops | |
webvariants/payments-alliedwallet | Payments AlliedWallet | |
webvariants/payments-paypal | Payments Paypal | |
webvariants/rbac | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing a role-based permission management. | |
webvariants/rbac-treeview | provides a much better UI for managing permissions | |
webvariants/realurl2 | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing clean, canonical 'SEO' URLs | |
webvariants/realurl2-debugger | provides some debugging information for URLs in the backend | |
webvariants/realurl2-domain-aliases | AddOn for SallyCMS, extending realURL2's features by allowing custom domain aliases | |
webvariants/realurl2-multiproject | provides better control of special articles in multi-project installations | |
webvariants/redirect | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing article based redirects. | |
webvariants/s3-mediapool | A Sally AddOn to use Amazon's S3 for the mediapool storage | |
webvariants/sallycms-linkchecker | AddOn for SallyCMS, that checks urls in article content. | |
webvariants/sallycms-tags | AddOn for SallyCMS, that adds the tag datatype. | |
webvariants/sallycms-twitter | support for Twitter's REST API 1.1 | |
webvariants/sallycms-urlwidget | An AddOn for SallyCMS, that adds the url form element and datatype. | |
webvariants/scaffold | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing Scaffold (CSS preprocessor) for the asset cache system. | |
webvariants/sentry | Reports exceptions to Sentry | |
webvariants/sfyaml | Mercurial mirror of | |
webvariants/simpleonlinecontrol | An addOn for SallyCMS, adding simple online/offline handling for articles. | |
webvariants/slice-cache | SallyCMS addOn, enabling the use of annotations to cache slice outputs | |
webvariants/sly-assetic | AddOn for SallyCMS, handling assets using assetic | |
webvariants/slyboard | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing an extensible forum system. | |
webvariants/slyletter | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing a simple newsletter system. | |
webvariants/solr-search | AddOn for SallyCMS, binding to solr | |
webvariants/ssl-auth | SallyCMS addOn, providing an automatic user login via SSL client certificates | |
webvariants/swiftmailer | AddOn for SallyCMS, integrating the Swiftmailer library. | |
webvariants/translator | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing a backend UI for editing translations and generating language files. | |
webvariants/twig | integrates the Twig template engine into SallyCMS | |
webvariants/twitter-bootstrap | AddOn for SallyCMS, integrating the Twitter Bootstrap ui-framework | |
webvariants/uploadsion | An AddOn for SallyCMS, providing a HTML5 uploading tool with image resize and crop functions. | |
webvariants/userworkflows | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing an abstract user management. | |
webvariants/varilog | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing a simple, article based blog system. | |
webvariants/varisale | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing a flexible e-commerce solution. | |
webvariants/varisale-coupon | Provides a coupon system to handle discounts in varisale. | |
webvariants/varisale-googlebase | Provides a generic exporter for Google Base | |
webvariants/varisale-paypal | Provides PayPal as a billing method for varisale based shops. | |
webvariants/varisale-realurl2 | Provides realURL2 integration for products and categories. | |
webvariants/varisale-sofortueberweisung | Provides as a billing method. | |
webvariants/varisale-winorder | Provides a webservice for the WinOrder system. | |
webvariants/wvmaps | AddOn for SallyCMS, providing a PHP interface and some extensions to Google-Maps | |
webvariants/wymeditor | AddOn for SallyCMS, integrating the WYMeditor, a WYSIWYM richtext editor | |
webvariants/zend-framework | AddOn for SallyCMS which adds the Zend Framework. | |
webvariants/zend-framework-gdata | Provides basic integration for Google services in the Zend Framework | |
webvariants/zend-framework-youtube | Provides basic integration for YouTube services. |