
6 total, 2 outdated, 1 unknown

Package Required Latest Status
composer/installers A multi-framework Composer library installer ~1.0 || ~2.0 v2.3.0 up to date
cweagans/composer-patches Provides a way to patch Composer packages. ~1.0 1.7.3 up to date
drupal/core-composer-scaffold A flexible Composer project scaffold builder. ~9.0 11.1.3 outdated
drupal/core-project-message Adds a message after Composer installation. ~9.0 11.1.3 outdated
oomphinc/composer-installers-extender Extend the composer/installers plugin to accept any arbitrary package type. ~1.0 || ~2.0 2.0.1 up to date
webship/vdo The Visual Distribution Operator (VDO) management system helps Drupal 8 distribution maintainers manage the base code and logic for the work cycle of development with number of workspaces for custom profiles, sub-profiles on local development machines or servers. ~9.0 unknown

Requires (dev)

No required development dependencies.