
20 total, 9 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
abraham/twitteroauth The most popular PHP library for use with the Twitter OAuth REST API. 0.* 7.0.0 outdated
aws/aws-sdk-php AWS SDK for PHP - Use Amazon Web Services in your PHP project 3.* 3.339.19 up to date
corneltek/getoptionkit Powerful command-line option toolkit 2.* 2.7.3 up to date
defuse/php-encryption Secure PHP Encryption Library 2.* v2.4.0 up to date
embedly/embedly-php Embedly library for PHP 0.* v0.5.6 up to date
hashids/hashids Generate short, unique, non-sequential ids (like YouTube and Bitly) from numbers 2.0.3 5.0.2 outdated
jeremeamia/superclosure Serialize Closure objects, including their context and binding 2.* 2.4.0 up to date
league/iso3166 ISO 3166-1 PHP Library 1.* 4.3.2 outdated
league/oauth2-server A lightweight and powerful OAuth 2.0 authorization and resource server library with support for all the core specification grants. This library will allow you to secure your API with OAuth and allow your applications users to approve apps that want to access their data from your API. 6.* 9.2.0 outdated
michelf/php-smartypants PHP SmartyPants 1.* 1.8.1 up to date
phpmailer/phpmailer PHPMailer is a full-featured email creation and transfer class for PHP 5.* v6.9.3 outdated
ramsey/uuid A PHP library for generating and working with universally unique identifiers (UUIDs). 3.* 4.7.6 outdated
redeyeventures/geopattern Generate beautiful SVG patterns. 1.* v1.1.2 up to date
ryakad/pandoc-php 1.* v1.0.0 up to date
slim/http Slim PSR-7 Object Decorators 0.* 1.4.0 outdated
stripe/stripe-php Stripe PHP Library 4.* v16.5.1 outdated
symfony/yaml Loads and dumps YAML files 2.* v7.2.3 outdated
websharks/dicer Dependency injector for PHP. 170913.25494 170913.25494 up to date
websharks/php-markdown PHP Markdown Fork 170729 170729 up to date
websharks/sharkicons Font containing WebSharks logos/icons & more. 160620 160620 up to date

Requires (dev)

No required development dependencies.