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Packages from weboftalent

Package Status
weboftalent/adverts Add adverts to a site filtering by category. Ads can be images or JavaScript Dependency Badge
weboftalent/cachekeyhelper Centralise partial queries into a single query to improve performance Dependency Badge
weboftalent/child-pagination Pagination Helper for Children Pages in SilverStripe Dependency Badge
weboftalent/ci-example Example module showing use of Continuous Integration services Dependency Badge
weboftalent/clearrequirements Remove all requirements with a single template call and start template afresh Dependency Badge
weboftalent/contactage SilverStripe module to add a contact page with optional map to your site Dependency Badge
weboftalent/contact-page SilverStripe module to add a contact page with optional map to your site Dependency Badge
weboftalent/creator-last-editor Record which Member created or last edited a DataObject Dependency Badge
weboftalent/elastica Provides Elastic Search integration for SilverStripe DataObjects using Elastica. Fork of module by AJ Short Dependency Badge
weboftalent/facebook-tools Facebook LikeBoxPage, Like Button, Metadata Dependency Badge
weboftalent/faq Simple frequently asked questions module for SilverStripe Dependency Badge
weboftalent/flickr Import,manage and render your flickr photos. Command line and GUI tools. Dependency Badge
weboftalent/footer-text Optionally configure text in the footer of your site Dependency Badge
weboftalent/gridrows SilverStripe module to facilitate easier templating of DataObjects laid out in a grid Dependency Badge
weboftalent/html-tagline Enable an HTML tag line instead of a textual one Dependency Badge
weboftalent/imageeditpartialcachebust Simplify partial caching queries for folders of DataObjects associated with Images by cache busting these DataObjects when the associated image is edited Dependency Badge
weboftalent/indexlastedited Ensure that the LastEdited field is indexed so that performance for partials is consistent with large sites Dependency Badge
weboftalent/links Add editable links to any DataObject Dependency Badge
weboftalent/mappable Fork of Uncle Cheese's original Mappable module. Inline JavaScript is minimal, and templated such that other mapping systems can be added later. A map editing interface is also included, addable by a one line configuration call. Dependency Badge
weboftalent/mappable-poi Adds point of interest functionality to the mappable module. Dependency Badge
weboftalent/openweathermap SilverStripe module for Open Weather Map Dependency Badge
weboftalent/page-with-image Same as a standard page but with the addition of a main image Dependency Badge
weboftalent/portlets Module to quickly render portlets of data from a simple template call Dependency Badge
weboftalent/prevnextsibling Helper method and template to allow previous and next sibling integration easily Dependency Badge
weboftalent/responsive-mce-images Render images added to TinyMCE in a responsive manner Dependency Badge
weboftalent/silverstripe-shortcode-gist Adds a shortcode for GitHub gists in Silverstripe Dependency Badge
weboftalent/silverstripe-shortcode-youtube Adds a shortcode for embedding YouTube video. For Silverstripe 4 Dependency Badge
weboftalent/sitemap SilverStripe module to add a simple sitemap to your website Dependency Badge
weboftalent/slider Store slides under the current page, and render them using Zurb foundation's Orbit slideshow viewer Dependency Badge
weboftalent/ss3gallery Forked and tweaked version of ss3 gallery Dependency Badge
weboftalent/staff Simple module to store and render members of staff for an organisation Dependency Badge
weboftalent/stafftheme Bootstrap 4 base theme for weboftalent/staff package Dependency Badge
weboftalent/template-override Enable optional template override for a single page Dependency Badge
weboftalent/twitter-tools Embed tweets using shortcodes. Optionally add Twitter cards to pages. Dependency Badge