
7 total, 5 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
guzzlehttp/guzzle Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library ~5 7.9.2 outdated
webignition/css-validator-output-parser Parser for output from the W3C CSS validator >=2.2.2 5.2 up to date
webignition/guzzle-curl-exception Translates a GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException into a curl-specific exception where relevant >=0.1.4,<1 1.1 outdated
webignition/html-document-link-finder Find anchor URLs in a given HTML document >=1.5.1,<2.0 5.0 outdated
webignition/url A PSR-7 UriInterface implementation. A normalizer for applying sixteen lossy and lossless normalizations. >=1.9.9 3.0 up to date
webignition/web-page-model Model of a web page, based off webignition/web-resource-model >=1.3,<2.0 5.9 outdated
webignition/web-resource-service Service to retrieve over HTTP a \webignition\WebResource\WebResource >=1.4.1,<2 2.1 outdated

Requires (dev)

5 total, 4 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
mockery/mockery Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework ~0.9 1.6.12 outdated
php-mock/php-mock-mockery Mock built-in PHP functions (e.g. time()) with Mockery. This package relies on PHP's namespace fallback policy. No further extension is needed. 1.1.0 1.4.1 outdated
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ~5.0 11.4.3 outdated
satooshi/php-coveralls PHP client library for Coveralls API ~1.0 v2.2.0 outdated
squizlabs/php_codesniffer PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards. 3.* 3.11.1 up to date