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Packages from webignition

Package Status
webignition/absolute-url-deriver Derives an absolute URL from relative and source URLs Dependency Badge
webignition/base-basil-test-case Dependency Badge
webignition/base-panther-test-case Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-action-generator Create a basil action model from a basil action string Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-assertion-failure-message Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-assertion-generator Create a basil assertion model from a basil assertion string Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-code-generator Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-compilable-source Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-compiler Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-compiler-models Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-data-structures Data structures for basil language Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-data-validator Validator for source data for basil language Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-dom-identifier Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-dom-identifier-factory Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-identifier-analyser Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-loader Loader for basil language files Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-model-provider Providers for basil models Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-models Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-parser Parses raw basil data into basic data structures Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-phpunit-result-printer Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-resolver Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-runner-documents Models for documents that can be output by the runner Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-validation-result Models for the result of basil validators Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-value-extractor Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-value-type-identifier Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-worker-manager-interfaces Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-worker-manager-persistence-bundle Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-worker-persistence-bundle Dependency Badge
webignition/basil-worker-state-bundle Dependency Badge
webignition/character-set-list List of official names for character sets Dependency Badge
webignition/container-aware-migration A Doctrine migration that's Symfony-container aware Dependency Badge
webignition/cookie-domain-matcher Implementation of cookie domain matching specified in RFC6265 Dependency Badge
webignition/cookie-path-matcher Implementation of cookie path matching specified in RFC6265 Dependency Badge
webignition/cookie-url-matcher For cookie domain and url comparisons Dependency Badge
webignition/create-task-collection-payload Dependency Badge
webignition/css-validator-output-models Models for objects in the W3C CSS validator UCN output Dependency Badge
webignition/css-validator-output-parser Parser for output from the W3C CSS validator Dependency Badge
webignition/css-validator-wrapper PHP wrapper for the W3C css-validator.jar command line tool Dependency Badge
webignition/disallowed-character-terminated-string A string terminated by one or more disallowed characters Dependency Badge
webignition/doctrine-migrations-bundle Symfony DoctrineMigrationsBundle Dependency Badge
webignition/encapsulating-request-resolver-bundle Symfony controller action argument resolver for types that extend Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request Dependency Badge
webignition/error-handler PHP error handler Dependency Badge
webignition/guzzle-curl-exception Translates a GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException into a curl-specific exception where relevant Dependency Badge
webignition/guzzle-http-authentication-middleware Http authentication middleware for Guzzle6 Dependency Badge
webignition/guzzle-request-headers-middleware Middleware for setting headers on all requests sent by a Guzzle 6 client Dependency Badge
webignition/guzzle-response-location-uri-fixer-middleware Guzzle middleware for fixing response location URIs Dependency Badge
webignition/html-document-link-checker Check the links in a HTML document, find the working ones, find the broken ones, make happy people Dependency Badge
webignition/html-document-link-finder Find anchor URLs in a given HTML document Dependency Badge
webignition/html-document-type For parsing, validating and creating HTML doctype strings Dependency Badge
webignition/html-document-type-extractor Extract the doctype from a HTML document Dependency Badge
webignition/html-document-type-generator Generate a doctype for a given HTML version and variant Dependency Badge
webignition/html-document-type-identifier Given the source of an HTML document, identify the document type Dependency Badge
webignition/html-document-type-parser Parse a public html document type (so many caveats), extract FPI and URI Dependency Badge
webignition/html-document-type-validator Check if a given HTML doctype string is valid Dependency Badge
webignition/html-validation-error-linkifier Translate a normalised HTML validation error message a useful hyperlink url Dependency Badge
webignition/html-validation-error-normaliser Take an HTML validation error and get the normal form of it Dependency Badge
webignition/html-validator-output-models Models for the output from the W3C HTML validator Dependency Badge
webignition/html-validator-output-parser Parser for W3C HTML validator command line json output Dependency Badge
webignition/html-validator-wrapper Wrapper for command-line interaction with W3C HTML validator Dependency Badge
webignition/http-cache-control-directives Model of a web-based resource Dependency Badge
webignition/http-client HTTP Client with additional reliability over regular HTTP request sending to compensate for timeouts and redirects Dependency Badge
webignition/http-headers Models a collection of HTTP headers Dependency Badge
webignition/http-history-container A container for Guzzle history middleware Dependency Badge
webignition/http-redirect-loop-detector Detect HTTP redirect loops Dependency Badge
webignition/ignored-url-verifier Dependency Badge
webignition/internet-media-type PHP model of an Dependency Badge
webignition/internet-media-type-interface PHP interfaces for a model of an Dependency Badge
webignition/is-http-status-code DSimple small library to check if a given number is an HTTP status code Dependency Badge
webignition/jslint-directive-string-parser Parser for a JSLint directive string Dependency Badge
webignition/json-pretty-print Prettifies a JSON string for human readability Dependency Badge
webignition/node-jslint-output-parser Parser for the output of reid / node-jslint, get lovely things such as a list of errors, error counts, % of content scanned, bunnies Dependency Badge
webignition/node-jslint-wrapper Wrapper for the nodejs jslint wrapper. I heard you liked wrappers ... Dependency Badge
webignition/object-reflector Dependency Badge
webignition/php-basil-compilable-source-factory Dependency Badge
webignition/php-basil-compilation-source Dependency Badge
webignition/php-basil-context-aware-exception Models for basil language objects Dependency Badge
webignition/php-basil-data-structures Data structures for basil language Dependency Badge
webignition/php-basil-model-factory Factories to create basil models Dependency Badge
webignition/php-basil-model-provider Providers for basil models Dependency Badge
webignition/php-basil-model-resolver Resolves element and value references in basil models Dependency Badge
webignition/php-basil-models Models for basil language objects Dependency Badge
webignition/php-basil-model-validator Validator for basil language objects Dependency Badge
webignition/php-basil-test-identifier-factory Factory for creating webignition/php-basil-models::IdentifierInterface instances for tests Dependency Badge
webignition/php-dom-element-identifier Dependency Badge
webignition/php-dom-element-locator Model for identifying the location of an element within a DOM Dependency Badge
webignition/php-ie-detector Parses a user agent string to detect Internet Explorer Dependency Badge
webignition/php-path-resolver Resolve a relative directory path against a base directory path Dependency Badge
webignition/php-stripe-models Models for various Stripe entities Dependency Badge
webignition/quoted-string A parser for string values that are encapsulated in double quotes (ASCII 34) Dependency Badge
webignition/quoted-string-value-extractor Dependency Badge
webignition/readable-duration Convert a value in seconds into a human-readable convenience duration Dependency Badge
webignition/resource-storage Dependency Badge
webignition/resque-job-factory Configuration-based factory to create Resque jobs Dependency Badge
webignition/robots-txt-file Models a robots.txt file Dependency Badge
webignition/robots-txt-parser Parser for robots.txt files Dependency Badge
webignition/sfs-client HTTP client for querying Dependency Badge
webignition/sfs-querier Meta package for querying and providing help analysing/understanding results Dependency Badge
webignition/sfs-result-analyser Analyses results from, helps you figure out what to do Dependency Badge
webignition/sfs-result-factory Factory to create result objects from responses Dependency Badge
webignition/sfs-result-interfaces PHP interfaces for models for results from querying Dependency Badge
webignition/sfs-result-models PHP models for results from querying Dependency Badge
webignition/simplytestable-base-migrations-bundle Symfony bundle for base Doctrine migrations common to and Dependency Badge
webignition/simplytestable-pagecache-bundle Symfony 4 bundle for creating/validating cacheable responses Dependency Badge
webignition/simplytestable-user-hydrator Hydrates a webignition/simplytestable-user-model from a request or from the session Dependency Badge
webignition/simplytestable-user-interface Dependency Badge
webignition/simplytestable-usermanager-interface Dependency Badge
webignition/simplytestable-user-model Model for a SimplyTestable user Dependency Badge
webignition/simplytestable-user-serializer Serializes a SimplyTestable user to a string Dependency Badge
webignition/single-command-application-factory Dependency Badge
webignition/single-command-application-phar-builder Dependency Badge
webignition/sitemap-model Models a website sitemap Dependency Badge
webignition/stream-factory Implementation of webignition/stream-factory-interface Dependency Badge
webignition/stream-factory-interface Interface for a factory to create Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface objects Dependency Badge
webignition/string-parser Abstract state-based string parser Dependency Badge
webignition/string-prefix-remover Dependency Badge
webignition/stubble A minimal library to replace mustache-like variables in strings Dependency Badge
webignition/stubble-resolvable Dependency Badge
webignition/symfony-console-typed-input Symfony InputInterface providing type-specific getters for options and arguments Dependency Badge
webignition/symfony-messenger-json-message-serializer-bundle Dependency Badge
webignition/symfony-messenger-message-dispatcher Dependency Badge
webignition/symfony-panther-dom-crawler-navigator Navigate around a symfony panther dom crawler using convenience methods Dependency Badge
webignition/symfony-panther-webserver-runner Dependency Badge
webignition/symfony-test-service-injector-trait Inject Symfony services into test class properties Dependency Badge
webignition/tcp-cli-proxy-client Dependency Badge
webignition/tcp-cli-proxy-models Dependency Badge
webignition/ulid-validator Validates whether a string is a valid ULID Dependency Badge
webignition/unparseable-url-fixer Applies some fixes to otherwise-unparseable URLs to make them parseable Dependency Badge
webignition/uri A PSR-7 UriInterface implementation. A normalizer for applying sixteen lossy and lossless normalizations. Dependency Badge
webignition/url A PSR-7 UriInterface implementation. A normalizer for applying sixteen lossy and lossless normalizations. Dependency Badge
webignition/url-health-checker Check the health of a URL. Does it return 200 OK? 404 Not Found? Does in redirect indefinitely? Dependency Badge
webignition/url-resolver Resolve a given URL to the URL it actually points to; follow 30X and meta redirects to achieve this Dependency Badge
webignition/url-source-map Maps a collection of urls to another collection of urls Dependency Badge
webignition/validator-message Generic validation output message Dependency Badge
webignition/web-driver-element-collection A collection of Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverElement Dependency Badge
webignition/webdriver-element-inspector Convenience methods for getting information from a Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverElement instance Dependency Badge
webignition/webdriver-element-mutator Convenience methods for setting values on a Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverElement instance Dependency Badge
webignition/web-json-model PHP model of a web-based JSON resource, based on webignition/web-resource-model Dependency Badge
webignition/web-page-inspector Convenience inspector for getting information out of a WebPageInterface instance Dependency Badge
webignition/web-page-model Model of a web page, based off webignition/web-resource-model Dependency Badge
webignition/web-resource Models for resources retrieved from the web, services to retrieve and create Dependency Badge
webignition/web-resource-interfaces Interfaces for web resource models and services to retrieve and create them Dependency Badge
webignition/web-resource-model Model of a web-based resource Dependency Badge
webignition/web-resource-retriever Retrieve a WebResourceInterface instance over HTTP Dependency Badge
webignition/web-resource-service Service to retrieve over HTTP a \webignition\WebResource\WebResource Dependency Badge
webignition/web-resource-storage Local storage for a retrieved web resource Dependency Badge
webignition/web-resource-testing-tools Dependency Badge
webignition/website-rss-feed-finder Find the RSS feed from a given website base URL Dependency Badge
webignition/website-sitemap-finder Finds the sitemap(.xml) for a given website Dependency Badge
webignition/website-sitemap-retriever Given a URL, retrieve a website sitemap Dependency Badge
webignition/yaml-document g Dependency Badge
webignition/yaml-document-generator Generate a yaml document from an array of data Dependency Badge
webignition/yaml-document-set-parser Separate a collection of yaml documents into an array of yaml documents Dependency Badge