Keep your dependencies up-to-date

Package.Health uses semantic versioning to detect outdated or insecure dependencies in your project's composer.json.

Packages from wearejust

Package Status
wearejust/form-bundle Add extra functionality to Symfony Form Dependency Badge
wearejust/grumphp-extra-tasks A set of extra tasks for grumphp Dependency Badge
wearejust/image-optim-bundle A Package with binaries to use image optimizers with Liip image Dependency Badge
wearejust/kirby3-xmlsitemap kirby3 plugin to generate an xml-based sitemap Dependency Badge
wearejust/kirby-meta-tags HTML meta tags generator for Kirby 3. Dependency Badge
wearejust/kirby-sheets Kirby plugin to write data to Google Sheets Dependency Badge
wearejust/kirby-twig Twig templating support for Kirby CMS Dependency Badge
wearejust/laravel-postergenerator Dependency Badge
wearejust/metadata A package that simplifies the implementation of common metadata Dependency Badge
wearejust/redirect-bundle Small wrapper for using redirects Dependency Badge
wearejust/shapeshifter The Just CMS package, The back-end of things. Dependency Badge
wearejust/sonata-theme-bundle A custom SonataAdminBundle theme Dependency Badge
wearejust/user-bundle Small wrapper for sonata user packages Dependency Badge