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Packages from vonage

Package Status
vonage/client PHP Client for using Vonage's API. Dependency Badge
vonage/client-core PHP Client for using Vonage's API. Dependency Badge
vonage/jwt A standalone package for creating JWTs for Vonage APIs Dependency Badge
vonage/nexmo-bridge Provides a bridge for using the Vonage PHP SDK with the older Nexmo namespace Dependency Badge
vonage/php-skeleton-app Sample PHP Application to test environment setup Dependency Badge
vonage/symfony Provides config and dependency injection for the Vonage Client in Symfony applications Dependency Badge
vonage/video Client package for the Vonage Video API Server operations Dependency Badge
vonage/vonage_drupal Drupal module for setting up the Vonage PHP SDK Dependency Badge
vonage/vonage-laravel Service provider for Laravel for the Vonage PHP SDK Dependency Badge