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Packages from verbb

Package Status
verbb/abandoned-cart Send multiple email reminders to customers that have abandoned their carts. Dependency Badge
verbb/asset-count Track the number of views for assets. Dependency Badge
verbb/auth A Craft CMS module to make working with authentication for third-parties a breeze. Dependency Badge
verbb/autologin Automatically login based on whitelisted IP, basic auth username or URL keys. Dependency Badge
verbb/back-in-stock Subscribe to out of stock products to receive an email when back in stock. Dependency Badge
verbb/base Common utilities and building-blocks for Verbb plugins for Craft CMS. Dependency Badge
verbb/bugsnag Log errors/exceptions to Bugsnag. Dependency Badge
verbb/buttonbox A collection of utility field types. Dependency Badge
verbb/calendar-links Generate add-to-calendar links for Google, iCal and other calendar systems. Dependency Badge
verbb/cloner Easily clone sections, entry types, groups and more. Dependency Badge
verbb/color-mixer A set of Twig filters for modifying colors. Dependency Badge
verbb/comments Add comments to your site. Dependency Badge
verbb/commerce-payflow PayPal Payflow payment gateway plugin for Craft Commerce. Dependency Badge
verbb/commerce-zip-pay Zip Pay payment gateway plugin for Craft Commerce. Dependency Badge
verbb/concierge Email notifications for user registration. Dependency Badge
verbb/consume Create HTTP requests in your Twig templates to consume JSON, XML or CSV content. Dependency Badge
verbb/cp-nav Manage the Craft Control Panel navigation. Dependency Badge
verbb/default-dashboard Set default dashboard widgets for users. Dependency Badge
verbb/doxter Slick markdown editor and smart text parser. Dependency Badge
verbb/element-index-defaults Setup default columns for your element indexes. Dependency Badge
verbb/events A full-featured plugin for event management and ticketing. Dependency Badge
verbb/expanded-singles Extract Single entries to be top-level entries. Dependency Badge
verbb/feed-me Import content from XML, RSS, CSV or JSON feeds into entries, categories, Craft Commerce products, and more. Dependency Badge
verbb/feed-me-pro Import content from XML, RSS, CSV or JSON feeds into Entries, Categories, Craft Commerce Products (and variants), and more. Dependency Badge
verbb/field-manager Manage your fields and field groups with ease. Dependency Badge
verbb/footnotes Adds a footnotes feature to Redactor fields and Twig templates. Dependency Badge
verbb/formie The most user-friendly forms plugin for Craft. Dependency Badge
verbb/gift-voucher Sell and redeem digital gift vouchers for Craft Commerce. Dependency Badge
verbb/hyper A user-friendly links field for Craft. Dependency Badge
verbb/icon-picker A slick field to pick icons from. Supports SVGs, Sprites, Webfonts, Font Awesome and more. Dependency Badge
verbb/image-resizer Resize assets when they are uploaded. Dependency Badge
verbb/kint Adds Kint, an in-app PHP debugger for use in Twig and PHP. Dependency Badge
verbb/knock-knock Password protect your public facing Craft website with a single password. Dependency Badge
verbb/many-to-many A field type to manage relationships from both sides. Dependency Badge
verbb/metrix Display your analytics within Craft. Supports Google Analytics, Plausible, Fathom and more. Dependency Badge
verbb/navigation Create navigation menus for your site. Dependency Badge
verbb/parallel-process run a pool of processes simultaneously Dependency Badge
verbb/patrol Easy maintenance mode and smart HTTPS routing. Dependency Badge
verbb/postie Get shipping rates, tracking status and print labels with Australia Post, UPS, USPS, FedEx, DHL Express, and more. Dependency Badge
verbb/prism Adds a new field type that provides syntax highlighting capabilities using PrismJS. Dependency Badge
verbb/queue-monitor Monitor the Craft queue to know when jobs fail. Dependency Badge
verbb/readability A set of Twig filters for showing statistics on your text. Dependency Badge
verbb/redactor-tweaks Provide some tweaks for Redactor. Dependency Badge
verbb/scheduler Schedule jobs to be executed on a given date. Dependency Badge
verbb/shield Harness the power of Akismet to shield your site from spam. Dependency Badge
verbb/shippy A framework agnostic, multi-carrier shipping library for PHP. Dependency Badge
verbb/shortcodes Use Wordpress-style shortcodes in your Twig templates. Dependency Badge
verbb/shortcut Simple URL shortening. Dependency Badge
verbb/single-cat A field type to allow users to select a single category from a dropdown. Dependency Badge
verbb/smith Add copy, paste and clone functionality to Matrix blocks. Dependency Badge
verbb/snipcart Integrate with Snipcart. Dependency Badge
verbb/social-feeds Aggregate social media content with feeds. Dependency Badge
verbb/social-login Add SSO (Single Sign-On) user login, registration and connecting to social media platforms. Dependency Badge
verbb/social-poster Automatically post entries to social media. Dependency Badge
verbb/social-share Generate social media buttons, share dialogs and share counts. Dependency Badge
verbb/squeeze Zip one or multiple craft assets on the fly for frontend user to download. Dependency Badge
verbb/stamped-io Send your order data from Craft Commerce to, for your customers to review. Dependency Badge
verbb/super-table Super-charge your content builders and create nested Matrix fields. Dependency Badge
verbb/tablemaker Create customizable and user-defined table fields. Dependency Badge
verbb/timber A utility to show your application logs in the control panel. Dependency Badge
verbb/user-group-field Field type that let you select one or more user groups. Dependency Badge
verbb/video-picker A slick field to pick videos with. Supports YouTube, Vimeo and more. Dependency Badge
verbb/vizy A flexible visual editor field for Craft. Dependency Badge
verbb/wishlist Allow users to create lists to store favourite entries, save products in a wishlist and more. Dependency Badge
verbb/workflow Enforce multi-step review processes for creating entries. Dependency Badge
verbb/xero Send invoices to Xero including contacts, payments and even inventory updates. Dependency Badge
verbb/zen Manage content across multiple environments with ease. Dependency Badge