
31 total, 2 outdated, 24 unknown

Package Required Latest Status
composer/installers A multi-framework Composer library installer ^1.5.0 v2.3.0 outdated
cweagans/composer-patches Provides a way to patch Composer packages. ^1.6.4 1.7.3 up to date
drupal/betterlogin 1.x-dev#f7cf1c5c9ec5e80c6ac0ef04ed605e25495232cd unknown
drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold Composer Plugin for updating the Drupal scaffold files when using drupal/core ^2.4.0 2.6.1 up to date
drupal/drupal-library-installer-plugin ^0.3 0.3 up to date
drupal/entity_clone 1.x-dev#6d0ce053605e9aaf8412927a9b0ea8da7a9a06e5 unknown
drupal/extlink 1.x-dev#8a773a6c5519ccb167e18cc39d68551b30b0e4b3 unknown
drupal/google_analytics_reports 3.x-dev#2b6bb8efbc7f61ce3c1225638075aa6037b8db44 unknown
drupal/image_resize_filter 1.x-dev#c3f4b23b02005859092aaff746b9f21b794adc58 unknown
drupal/l10n_client 1.x-dev#9bf8d597732870bdca301512c71b6e5d74d48db2 unknown
drupal/login_destination 1.x-dev#54be8b89fdc073ca40af6b9b2eeb050e0aeb7908 unknown
drupal/mail_edit 1.x-dev#bcd0041830d8581b36e6211f0c8eabd8caf9652b unknown
drupal/menu_position 1.x-dev#d134276b4bbd08b3c9678943d0225fbef7dd05b5 unknown
drupal/node_edit_protection 1.x-dev#902339c08222f838030c07aaea23bdc51ababebd unknown
drupal/security_review 1.x-dev#35ebae445bb260e961e47c4c58efe7c50c228999 unknown
drupal/taxonomy_menu 3.x-dev#1103ad0855de4d242364a5b7e74a5c5fc1ce9e02 unknown
drupal/tour_builder 1.x-dev#d70e898949b7ec4095efb391a0dbec56d0117558 unknown
drupal/tour_ui 1.x-dev#5cf793c071aeddea0ecd20d80b541606bfe2aff1 unknown
drupal/uber_publisher_ads_system 5.x-dev unknown
drupal/uber_publisher_author_profile 5.x-dev unknown
drupal/uber_publisher_breaking_news 5.x-dev unknown
drupal/uber_publisher_core 5.x-dev unknown
drupal/uber_publisher_daily_cartoons 5.x-dev unknown
drupal/uber_publisher_in_pictures 5.x-dev unknown
drupal/uber_publisher_opinion_articles 5.x-dev unknown
drupal/uber_publisher_search 5.x-dev unknown
drupal/uber_publisher_social_post 5.x-dev unknown
drupal/views_bootstrap 3.x-dev#ec4e7872315db6a7287014b029c3167962647588 unknown
oomphinc/composer-installers-extender Extend the composer/installers plugin to accept any arbitrary package type. ^1.1.2 2.0.1 outdated
webflo/drupal-finder Helper class to locate a Drupal installation. ^1.1.0 1.3.1 up to date
webmozart/path-util A robust cross-platform utility for normalizing, comparing and modifying file paths. ^2.3.0 2.3.0 up to date

Requires (dev)

12 total, 5 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
behat/behat Scenario-oriented BDD framework for PHP ^3.4.3 v3.17.0 up to date
behatch/contexts Behatch contexts ^3.1.0 3.3.0 up to date
behat/mink Browser controller/emulator abstraction for PHP ^1.7.1 v1.12.0 up to date
behat/mink-extension Mink extension for Behat ^2.3.1 2.3.1 up to date
behat/mink-goutte-driver Goutte driver for Mink framework ^1.2.1 v2.0.0 outdated
behat/mink-selenium2-driver Selenium2 (WebDriver) driver for Mink framework ^1.3.1 v1.7.0 up to date
behat/mink-zombie-driver Zombie.js driver for Mink framework ^1.4.0 v1.6.0 up to date
drupal/coder Coder is a library to review Drupal code. ^8.2.12 8.3.26 up to date
drupal/drupal-extension Drupal extension for Behat ^3.4.1 v5.1.0 outdated
drush/drush Drush is a command line shell and scripting interface for Drupal, a veritable Swiss Army knife designed to make life easier for those of us who spend some of our working hours hacking away at the command prompt. ^8.1.16 13.3.3 outdated
emuse/behat-html-formatter This will create a html formatter for Behat. ^0.1.0 v2.0.0 outdated
phing/phing PHing Is Not GNU make; it's a PHP project build system or build tool based on Apache Ant. ^2.16.1 3.0.1 outdated