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Packages from vardot

Package Status
vardot/ace forked from ajaxorg/ace-builds to be used as drupal-library Dependency Badge
vardot/ace-builds forked from ajaxorg/ace-builds to be used as drupal-library Dependency Badge
vardot/add-openai-to-rich-editor A recipe to manage default OpenAI button and plugin settings for the Rich Editor with CKEditor 5. Dependency Badge
vardot/add-openai-to-simple-editor A recipe to manage default OpenAI button and plugin settings for the Simple Editor with CKEditor 5. Dependency Badge
vardot/betterlogin Make the login screens better :) Dependency Badge
vardot/blazy forked from dinbror/blazy to be used as drupal-library Dependency Badge
vardot/bootstrap-no-spacing Bootstrap no spacing for Twitter Bootstrap v3. You can use a ready CSS/LESS classes to control the spacing layout for bootstrap v3. Dependency Badge
vardot/bootstrap-print Bootstrap print for Bootstrap v3. Mange grids using Bootstrap v3 for printed media. Dependency Badge
vardot/ckeditor_media_embed Adds the Media Embed CKEditor plugins to Drupal. Dependency Badge
vardot/composer-optimizer Composer plugin for removing development files. Dependency Badge
vardot/config_perms Allows additional permissions to be created and managed through an administration form. Dependency Badge
vardot/cv cv template. Dependency Badge
vardot/cv-project cv Project Dependency Badge
vardot/dropzone Handles drag and drop of files for you. Dependency Badge
vardot/entity_browser_generic_embed Entity Browser Generic Embed Dependency Badge
vardot/entity_browser_generic_embed_plugins Entity Browser Generic Embed Plugins Dependency Badge
vardot/entity-definition-update-manager Entity Definition Update Manager - Provides developers with a class to perform automatic entity updates. Dependency Badge
vardot/jquery-bar-rating forked from jquery-bar-rating to be used as drupal-library Dependency Badge
vardot/media_bulk_upload TEMP Fork for the Media Bulk Upload. Allows uploading files in bulk and converting them to media entities. Dependency Badge
vardot/module-installer-factory Module Installer Factory Dependency Badge
vardot/openapi_rest OpenAPI support for the REST module. Dependency Badge
vardot/platformsh-example-varbase Project template for Varbase distribution. Dependency Badge
vardot/platformsh-varbase Project template for Varbase distribution. Dependency Badge
vardot/setup-varbase-ai A Drupal recipe to setup default Varbase AI installed modules, configs and permissions. Dependency Badge
vardot/slick forked from kenwheeler/slick to be used as drupal-library Dependency Badge
vardot/uber_publisher Uper Publisher distribution for bulding enterprise publishing protals. Dependency Badge
vardot/uber_publisher-project Project template for Uber Publisher distribution. Dependency Badge
vardot/varbase Varbase: The Ultimate Drupal CMS Starter Kit (Bootstrap Ready) | by Vardot Dependency Badge
vardot/varbase-behat Varbase Behat is a standalone testing framework, with a set of Gherkin Features and custom Varbase Context with custom step definitions, and assets, which help with the automatic testing for Varbase websites Dependency Badge
vardot/varbase-build Moved to Varbase Project Dependency Badge
vardot/varbase-patches List of needed patches for Varbase used packages with Composer Patches. Dependency Badge
vardot/varbase-project Project template for Varbase distribution. Dependency Badge
vardot/varbase_story_demo Varbase Story Demo : This a Demo feature to test and see how we can use Varbase Media Entity Browsers, and Provides Story content type and related configuration. Dependency Badge
vardot/varbase_subprofile_basic Varbase Sub Profile Basic template. Dependency Badge
vardot/varbase-subprofile-basic-project Varbase Sub Profile Basic Project Dependency Badge
vardot/varbase-updater A set of scripts and tools that will help you to update to the newer versions of Varbase. Dependency Badge
vardot/varbase_vmi_demo Have a VMI demo content types work for how to use View Modes Inventory (VMI) module in Varbase. you will need to enable any of the VMI Standard, Traditional, Square, or Auto demo modules. Dependency Badge
vardot/vardoc Vardoc: Knowledge Base System and Documentation Site Dependency Badge
vardot/vardoc-project Vardoc Project Dependency Badge