
8 total, all up-to-date

Package Required Latest Status
opis/json-schema Json Schema Validator for PHP ^2.1 2.4.1 up to date
php-http/discovery Finds and installs PSR-7, PSR-17, PSR-18 and HTTPlug implementations ^1.13 1.20.0 up to date
psr/http-factory PSR-17: Common interfaces for PSR-7 HTTP message factories ^1.0 1.1.0 up to date
psr/http-message Common interface for HTTP messages ^1||^2 2.0 up to date
psr/http-server-handler Common interface for HTTP server-side request handler ^1.0 1.0.2 up to date
psr/log Common interface for logging libraries ^1.1||^3 3.0.2 up to date
ramsey/uuid A PHP library for generating and working with universally unique identifiers (UUIDs). ^4.1 4.7.6 up to date
teapot/status-code PHP HTTP Response Status code library ^2 2.4.0 up to date

Requires (dev)

9 total, 5 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer A tool to automatically fix PHP code style ^3.0 v3.70.0 up to date
laminas/laminas-diactoros PSR HTTP Message implementations ^3 3.5.0 up to date
mikey179/vfsstream Virtual file system to mock the real file system in unit tests. ^1.6 v1.6.12 up to date
mockery/mockery Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework ^1.4 1.6.12 up to date
phpstan/phpstan PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool ^1 2.1.6 outdated
phpstan/phpstan-mockery PHPStan Mockery extension ^1 2.0.0 outdated
phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules Extra strict and opinionated rules for PHPStan ^1 2.0.3 outdated
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ^11 12.0.4 outdated
rector/rector Instant Upgrade and Automated Refactoring of any PHP code ^1 2.0.9 outdated