
8 total, all up-to-date

Package Required Latest Status
typo3/extjs The package contains ExtJS for use in TYPO3 Flow packages. It is a slightly trimmed version of ExtJS (missing source, build, examples, documentation) with JavaScript, images, CSS and Flash moved to distinct folders. In addition it contains the ux files found in the examples folder of the ExtJS distribution. Using Ext Direct is supported by an Ext Direct request handler and a viewhelper to build a provider configuration from controller actions. * 3.4.2 up to date
typo3/flow Flow Application Framework * 8.3.13 up to date
typo3/media The Media package * 8.3.20 up to date
typo3/neos-nodetypes Node type configuration for Neos * 8.3.6 up to date
typo3/setup An extensible setup tool for Neos Flow based applications * 6.0.1 up to date
typo3/twitter-bootstrap Simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript for popular user interface components and interactions. Packaged for use with Neos Flow * 3.0.8 up to date
typo3/typo3cr Content repository based on Flow, specifically made for Neos. * 8.3.20 up to date
typo3/typoscript Fusion is a hierarchical, prototype based processing language * 8.3.20 up to date

Requires (dev)

No required development dependencies.