.Package | Status | |
truesocialmetrics/2checkout-api | 2checkout New API based on Avangate | |
truesocialmetrics/2checkout-api-legacy | 2checkout Lgeacy API based on Avangate | |
truesocialmetrics/cache-storage-adapter-large-items | Laminas cache adapter for large items | |
truesocialmetrics/cdn | Cdn helper for ZF2/ZF3/Laminas | |
truesocialmetrics/float-format | Float human redable format | |
truesocialmetrics/gearman-stats | Geaman connector for getting status and statistic data | |
truesocialmetrics/google-authenticator | PHP repository for Google Authenticator | |
truesocialmetrics/html-query-parser | Html parser utility class for Laminas | |
truesocialmetrics/large-object-packer | helper for storing large object in laminas cache adapters | |
truesocialmetrics/math | php standard math algorithms: running average, linear interpolation, derivative, local extremum | |
truesocialmetrics/memcache-large-object-packer | helper for storing large object in memcache and other zend cache adpters | |
truesocialmetrics/monolog-handler-output | Monolog processors | |
truesocialmetrics/pdf-rendering | Pdf exporting library | |
truesocialmetrics/sentiment-analysis | Sentiment analysis library for PHP. | |
truesocialmetrics/service-file-format-convertor-csv2xlsx | convert csv to xlsx (excel) | |
truesocialmetrics/service-manager-di | service manager dependency injections factories | |
truesocialmetrics/test-environment | zf test environment | |
truesocialmetrics/vault | Vault for private keys and secret data | |
truesocialmetrics/zf2-twb-bundle | Fork neilime/zf2-twb-bundle Zend Framework 2 module for easy integration of Twitter Bootstrap |