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Packages from tomasvotruba

Package Status
tomasvotruba/aws-sdk-php-symfony A Symfony bundle for v3 of the AWS SDK for PHP Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/barcode-bundle Barcode rendering for your Symfony project Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/bladestan PHPStan rule for static analysis of Blade templates Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/class-leak Detect leaking classes Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/cognitive-complexity PHPStan rules to measure cognitive complexity of your classes and methods Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/easystan Level your PHPStan one rule at a time Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/editorconfig-fixer Fix your files indent based on .editorconfig Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/laratyped Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/laravelize Rector rules and utils to convert Symfony project to Laravel Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/lavarle Sexy Utils for Laravel projects Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/lines Measuring the size of PHP project Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/phpstan-bodyscan Get error count for each PHPStan level Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/phpunit-10-for-php-8 The PHP Unit 10 for PHP 8.0 Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/phpunit-book-format PHPUnit result printer for books - simple and short Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/phpunit-json-result-printer Print your PHPUnit result in JSON, so other tool can pipe it Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/punchcard Lazy and strict way to configure your Laravel projects Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/statie-tweet-publisher Statie Plugin that automates tweet posting from Posts Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/symfony-config-generator Generate Symfony 5.3+ config builder classes using CLI to improve static analysis and IDE support Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/torch Smoke testing of TWIG templates Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/type-coverage Measure type coverage of your project Dependency Badge
tomasvotruba/unused-public Detect unused public properties, constants and methods in your code Dependency Badge