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Packages from titon

Package Status
titon/annotation The annotation packages provides class and method level metadata through annotations. Dependency Badge
titon/app A skeleton application that conforms to the directory structure and library hierarchy suggested by the Titon framework. Dependency Badge
titon/cache The cache package provides a data caching layer that supports multiple storage engines. Dependency Badge
titon/common The common package provides interfaces, traits, and abstract implementations for common patterns usable by other packages. Dependency Badge
titon/context The context package provides dependency injection and service providers, which allow for easy decoupling of components. Dependency Badge
titon/controller The controller package provides controllers and actions to handle the HTTP request and response cycle. Dependency Badge
titon/crypto The crypto package provides secure ecrypting and decrypting of data. Dependency Badge
titon/db The Titon database package provides a basic database abstraction layer and an object relational mapper. Dependency Badge
titon/debug The debug package provides debugging, advanced error and exception handling, log management, and benchmarking. Dependency Badge
titon/env The environment package provides environment detection and secure environment variable management. Dependency Badge
titon/event The event package provides functionality for notifying a list of observers about an event. Dependency Badge
titon/framework Collection of packages that make up the Titon framework. Dependency Badge
titon/g11n The Titon g11n package handles the localization and internationalization of your application. Dependency Badge
titon/http The HTTP package provides classes for interacting with cookies, headers, the request, and the response. Dependency Badge
titon/intl The Intl package provides tools for the localization and internationalization of an application. Dependency Badge
titon/io The IO package provides classes for interacting with files and folders on a filesystem, as well as readers and writers for resource bundles. Dependency Badge
titon/kernel The kernel package acts as the core handler of the input/output cycle within an application. Dependency Badge
titon/model The Titon model package provides an active record style approach to database CRUD functionality. Dependency Badge
titon/mvc The Titon MVC package adds support for the Model-View-Controller paradigm by packaging the external Model, View, Controller and Route packages into a single package. This single MVC package has full application support. Dependency Badge
titon/route The route package adds support for dynamic route handling and mapping. Dependency Badge
titon/test The Titon test package provides classes and fixtures used for test cases. This should not be used in production. Dependency Badge
titon/toolkit-tests Full HTML, CSS, and JS testing suite for Titon Toolkit. Dependency Badge
titon/type The type package provides a chainable immutable object oriented interface for array lists, hash maps, string buffers, xml documents, and more. Dependency Badge
titon/utility The utility package provides convenience classes for basic tasks like validation, formatting, sanitization and more. Dependency Badge
titon/utility-old The Titon utility package provides convenience classes for basic tasks like validation, formatting, sanitization and more. Dependency Badge
titon/validate The validate package provides data validation through an easy to use validator and constraint API. Dependency Badge
titon/view The view package provides template helpers, lookup, and rendering through engines. Dependency Badge