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Package.Health uses semantic versioning to detect outdated or insecure dependencies in your project's composer.json.

Packages from tightenco

Package Status
tightenco/collect Collect - Illuminate Collections as a separate package. Dependency Badge
tightenco/duster Automatic configuration for Laravel apps to apply Tighten's standard linting & code standards. Dependency Badge
tightenco/jigsaw Simple static sites with Laravel's Blade. Dependency Badge
tightenco/jigsaw-blog-template Blog starter template for Jigsaw static site generator by Tighten Dependency Badge
tightenco/jigsaw-docs-template Documentation starter template for Jigsaw static site generator by Tighten Dependency Badge
tightenco/lambo Super-powered 'laravel new' with Laravel and Valet. Dependency Badge
tightenco/laravel-elm The Elm Laravel Platform Dependency Badge
tightenco/mailthief A fake Mailer for Laravel applications that takes the pain out of testing mail. Dependency Badge
tightenco/nova-google-analytics Google Analytics integration with Nova Dependency Badge
tightenco/nova-package-discovery Discover the newest and most popular Nova packages. Dependency Badge
tightenco/nova-releases Keep on top of Nova Releases Dependency Badge
tightenco/nova-stripe A tool to create a quick Stripe dashboard in your Laravel Nova admin panels Dependency Badge
tightenco/overload Method overloading for PHP Dependency Badge
tightenco/parental A simple eloquent trait that allows relationships to be accessed through child models. Dependency Badge
tightenco/quicksand Easily schedule regular cleanup of old soft-deleted Eloquent data. Dependency Badge
tightenco/simplecast A Simplecast PHP SDK Dependency Badge
tightenco/solana-php-sdk Solana PHP SDK Dependency Badge
tightenco/takeout Manage your dev dependencies with simple one-off Docker containers. Dependency Badge
tightenco/tighten-coding-standard A PHP Code_Sniffer configuration for the Tighten coding standard. Dependency Badge
tightenco/tlint Tighten linter for Laravel conventions Dependency Badge
tightenco/ziggy Use your Laravel named routes in JavaScript. Dependency Badge