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Package.Health uses semantic versioning to detect outdated or insecure dependencies in your project's composer.json.

Packages from theofidry

Package Status
theofidry/alice-bundle-extension Extension to load fixtures files with HautelookAliceBundle. Dependency Badge
theofidry/alice-data-fixtures Nelmio alice extension to persist the loaded fixtures. Dependency Badge
theofidry/alice-fixtures-extension Extension to load fixtures files with HautelookAliceBundle. Dependency Badge
theofidry/composer-inheritance-plugin Composer plugin to merge multiple sub composer.json files Dependency Badge
theofidry/eloquent-serializer Symfony Serializer bridge for the Eloquent ORM. Dependency Badge
theofidry/laravel-yaml Laravel ServiceProvider for using YAML configuration files Dependency Badge
theofidry/loopback-api-bundle Loopback like Doctrine ORM filters for DunglasApiBundle. Dependency Badge
theofidry/php-cs-fixer-config The PHP-CS-Fixer default config for my projects Dependency Badge
theofidry/psysh A port of the PHP REPL PsySH for Symfony. Dependency Badge
theofidry/psysh-bundle A port of the PHP REPL PsySH for Symfony. Dependency Badge
theofidry/sfcontext-bundle A context to access statically to the symfony container. Dependency Badge