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Packages from terminal42

Package Status
terminal42/activecollab-api A full featured PHP implementation of the activeCollab API Dependency Badge
terminal42/cashctrl-api API client for Dependency Badge
terminal42/cashctrl-bundle Symfony bundle to the API client for Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-ajaxform Ajax Form extension for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-autoregistration Auto-login your users after their registration or account activation. Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-avatar Avatar extension for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-build-tools Highly opinionated build tool setup for Contao websites. Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-bynder Adds support for Bynder Asset Management to Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-calendar-categories Provides a categories system for calendar events. Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-calendarfield Frontend text field with datepicker for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-ce-access Limit user access to content elements for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-changelanguage ChangeLanguage extension for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-codelogin Code Login extension for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-combinerbundle Combine JavaScript and CSS files from the Contao backend. Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-conditionalformfields conditionalformfields extension for Contao Open Source CMS; Display form fields based on conditionis! Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-conditionalselectmenu conditional select menu extension for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-countryselect Country select menu for Contao forms Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-dam-integrator Adds support for Asset Management of different providers to Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-easy_themes Contao Open Source CMS extension easy_themes Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-facebook-albums Allow the Contao to display Facebook albums. Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-fineuploader FineUploader bundle for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-folderpage Provides a new page type for Contao that allows you to group pages into folders. Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-form_control Gives you full control over the way the Contao core form fields are being rendered. Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-form_stylify Form styling extension for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-freshdesk-ticket Create freshdesk ticket from Contao form submission Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-geoip2-country Detect country of visitor and protect elements in Contao using MaxMind GeoIP2 database Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-html-injection Inject custom HTML code into Contao page output. Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-image-delete Safe-delete images by also removing generated assets Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-inserttags Contao extension to create custom insert tags. Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-leads Leads extension for Contao Open Source CMS; Store and manage form data with ease! Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-mailusername E-mail as username for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-mp_forms An extension for Contao Open Source CMS to create multi steps forms using the form generator Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-namespace-class-loader Namespace class loader for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-newslanguage Changelanguage for news items Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-news_newsletter Allows you to send your news as a newsletter using the Notification Center. Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-node Node bundle for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-oembed Embed a Tweet, a Twitter Timeline or an Instagram Post on your Contao website. Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-pageimage [Contao CMS] Assign images to pages and output them on layout level using a frontend module. Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-password-validation A Contao bundle that validates user passwords against your password policy Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-rootcontent Allows creating root-page aware content in Contao Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-root-protection A Contao bundle that allows you to protect individual root pages via HTTP Basic Authentication Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-rte_table Use tinyMCE (or in future maybe other Rich Text Editors) for every cell in the Contao table content element Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-shortlink Extension to create shortlinks in Contao CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-tablelookupwizard Contao widget to select records from a foreign table. Useful if you have a large set of records. Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-url-rewrite URL Rewrite bundle for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-webpack-encore Adds Symfony Webpack Encore integration to Contao page layouts. Dependency Badge
terminal42/contao-z_modulealias Module Alias extension for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/dcawizard dcaWizard extension for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/dc_multilingual A multilingual DC driver storing the translations in the same table for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/deployer-recipes Deployment Tool Dependency Badge
terminal42/escargot A web crawler or spider library based on Symfony components Dependency Badge
terminal42/header-replay-bundle Send preflight requests for user context headers and replay them for reverse proxy support. Dependency Badge
terminal42/isotope_ooxml_document OOXML Office Documents bundle for Isotope eCommerce Dependency Badge
terminal42/mage-tools Magephp tools for easier deployment of Contao and Symfony systems. Dependency Badge
terminal42/notification_center Notification Center extension for Contao Open Source CMS Dependency Badge
terminal42/rokka-io-api-platform-bridge Provides collection and item providers, data persisters and more to easily integrate ApiPlatform and Dependency Badge
terminal42/service-annotation-bundle Add service tags from class annotations Dependency Badge
terminal42/swissbilling-api Client for the SwissBilling API Dependency Badge
terminal42/webling-api API client for Dependency Badge
terminal42/webling-bundle Symfony2 bundle for our Webling API client Dependency Badge