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Packages from takuya

Package Status
takuya/php-7z-cmd-wrapper 7z Archiver Command Wrapper Dependency Badge
takuya/php-atq-wrapper atq/atrm php wrapper class Dependency Badge
takuya/php-cert-checker get certificate information Dependency Badge
takuya/php-daemonize-pcntl Dependency Badge
takuya/php-genetator-array-access make yield into an Array / ArrayAccess. Dependency Badge
takuya/php-imagick-cmd-wrapper image magick command line call from php Dependency Badge
takuya/php-letencrypt-acme-dns acme v2 to Let'sEncrypt by dns cloudflare or your own. Dependency Badge
takuya/php-lmsensors-wrapper cpu temperature to json Dependency Badge
takuya/php-mktempdir make Temp directory in tmp with temp name and auto remove. Dependency Badge
takuya/php-mktempfile Dependency Badge
takuya/php-nulab-backlog-api-client Access to Nulab Backlog Api. Dependency Badge
takuya/php-process-exec Dependency Badge
takuya/php-proc_open-wrapper proc_open wrapper to exec command. Dependency Badge
takuya/php-random-string generate random string. Dependency Badge
takuya/php-relative-path calculate relative path to path Dependency Badge
takuya/php-rrmdir Recursive rmdir for PHP Dependency Badge
takuya/php-shell Safer shell_exec Dependency Badge
takuya/php-stringio StringIO for stream(php://memory) object Dependency Badge
takuya/php-sysv-ipc-message-queue Dependency Badge
takuya/php-time-overlap Check TimeInterval/Event/Calendar overlapping. Dependency Badge
takuya/process php proc_open wrapper class for shell command process management. Dependency Badge
takuya/recpt1-wrapper recpt1 command wrapper shell command process management. Dependency Badge
takuya/unar-wrapper php wrapper of UnArchiver commad line tool. Dependency Badge