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Packages from syntro

Package Status
syntro/recipe-elemental-bootstrap Recipe to install basic elemental components for pages using the bootstrap framework Dependency Badge
syntro/silvershare Silverstripe module handling meta tags for pages. Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-bootstrap-forms Silverstripe module adding formfields for use in the frontend Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-elemental-baseitem A basic item handling permissions for elemental blocks with children Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-elemental-bootstrap Silverstripe Elemental extension for Bootstrap-Blocks Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-elemental-bootstrap-accordionsection A bootsttrap based accordion section Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-elemental-bootstrap-alertsection A bootsttrap based alert section Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-elemental-bootstrap-baseitems A bootsttrap based alert section Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-elemental-bootstrap-featuresection A bootsttrap based feature section using Items Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-elemental-bootstrap-gallerysection A bootsttrap based gallery section Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-elemental-bootstrap-listgroupsection A bootstrap based list section Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-elemental-bootstrap-spotlightsection A bootsttrap based feature section using Items Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-elemental-bootstrap-staffsection A bootsttrap based staff section Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-elemental-bootstrap-testimonialsection A bootsttrap based feature section using Items Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-elemental-elementals Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-elemental-icons A collection of icons for Silverstripe elemental Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-elemental-image Silverstripe module. Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-elemental-slider Gallery block for the silverstripe elemental editor. Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-elemental-tabsection A bootsttrap based tab section Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-elemental-team Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-elemental-video Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-google-analytics Adds Google Analytics to your page Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-google-suite Adds Google services to your page using klaro! Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-klaro Silverstripe module including klaro consent Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-phpstan PHPStan for Silverstripe Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-sendy Silverstripe module allowing to create and export newsletters to a sendy instance. Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-seo Silverstripe module handling meta tags for pages. Dependency Badge
syntro/silverstripe-ssto The SilverStripe Framework Installer for Syntro Projects Dependency Badge
syntro/ssto The SilverStripe Framework Installer for Syntro Projects Dependency Badge