
5 total, 5 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ^9.5 12.0.4 outdated
symplify/easy-coding-standard Use Coding Standard with 0-knowledge of PHP-CS-Fixer and PHP_CodeSniffer ^9.3.20 12.5.8 outdated
symplify/easy-testing Testing made easy ^9.3.20 11.1.26 outdated
symplify/package-builder Dependency Injection, Console and Kernel toolkit for Symplify packages. ^9.3.20 11.3.2 outdated
symplify/smart-file-system Sanitized FileInfo with safe getRealPath() and other handy methods ^9.3.20 11.1.26 outdated

Requires (dev)

No required development dependencies.