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Packages from symbiote

Package Status
symbiote/phpcs-sonar Provides a Generic Issue Import Format report output for PHPCS, for use with tools such as Sonarqube Dependency Badge
symbiote/php-wordpress-database-tools A set of classes for connecting to a Wordpress database and querying it. The point of this library is to easily and effeciently iterate over Wordpress data and import into other CMS systems. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-addressable SilverStripe addressable and geocoding module Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-advancedworkflow Adds configurable workflow support to the CMS, with a GUI for creating custom workflow definitions. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-apiwrapper Provides an API wrapper around service style classes Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-base Ozzy: the Symbiote project installer Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-build Phing build helpers for projects making use of the silverstripe-base installation process. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-cdncontent A module that uses the content-services module for mapping Files and/or theme content from the CMS to compatible CDNs. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-collab Symbiote Standard Implementation Set, Collaboration Package. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-components Create components using SilverStripe. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-contentreplace This module replaces certain tags in WYSIWYG content with SilverStripe templates. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-content-services An abstraction from reading and writing content directly to the filesystem. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-contextawareupload Automatic organization of uploaded files based on the site tree structure. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-datachange-tracker Record and track changes to any dataobjects. View chages/diffs in model admin. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-datatransfer Assists with transferring data between Silverstripe installations Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-design-bridge A module that allows viewing components in isolation Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-dynamiclists A Module that allows users to create custom data lists. These lists can then be used in a form control (specified via code by a developer) or within a user defined form to be able to define controlled vocabularies managed in a central location that might be used across several forms. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-elemental-dashboard Dashboard module with three column elemental area layout Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-elemental-listingpagelisting An elemental block showing a Listing Page's listing Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-frontend-authoring Provides frontend editing capabilities for SilverStripe pages Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-frontend-dashboards Allows the creation of user-manageable dashboards in a frontend UI Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-frontend-objects A module that combines several different mechanisms of editing and showing data on the frontend of a SilverStripe site Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-gridfieldextensions A collection of useful grid field components Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-grouped-cms-menu Allows you to group CMS menu items. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-interactives A simple mechanism for implementing tracked interactive elements Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-listingpage A module that allows CMS users to create templated listing pages. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-local-personalisation Builds a profile of a site user in their browser, to be used for content personalisation Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-mailcapture A module for development/staging systems that capture email within the repository instead of actually sending to a user. These emails can then be browsed within the CMS. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-memberprofiles Member registration and profile management Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-metadata Allows the ability to annotate objects with metadata, according to a CMS defined schema. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-microblog Provides microblog type functionality for creating interactive sites like Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-multirecordfield A module for editing multiple records on a backend or frontend form. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-multisites Allows for multiple websites to be managed through a single site tree. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-multisites-googleanalytics Adds Google Analytics tracking code to each multisite Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-multivaluefield A DB field + form fields for storing multiple values in a single property (serialized). Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-notifications Send CMS editable system notifications from code Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-oldman A simple cache purging module for Silverstripe. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-pdfrendition A module that makes use of the Flying Saucer XHTML renderer project to create PDFs from XHTML pages. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-phpstan PHPStan for Silverstripe Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-prose-editor A wysiwyg editor based on prose mirror Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-queuedjobs A framework for defining and running background jobs in a queued manner Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-ralph Profiling tools to help you speed up your slow code. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-restrictedobjects Provides more advanced permission management for data objects in SilverStripe. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-s3cdn S3 CDN services for the content-services module Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-sabot Several small tools to improve accessibility Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-schedulizer A module for organising stuff to happen at arbitrary times in the future, useful with QueuedJobs Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-seed Symbiote Standard Implementation Set. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-sesmail Custom Mailer type that sends mail via Amazon's SES Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-sitemap Allows you to generate a sitemap page. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-sqs-jobqueue A module for interacting with AWS's Simple Queue Service (SQS) Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-steamedclams Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-test-assist Some extensions to the default SS test structures to allow parametrisation in CI builds, as well as a framework for selenium testing. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-thrive Symbiote Thrive - SilverStripe modules for building sites in AWS Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-treehugger Add additional menus (such as footer, sidebars) programmatically that can be managed by CMS users nicely on the SiteConfig or Multisite view. Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-union-list Provides a SS_List type that allows combining various list types (DataList, ArrayList, etc). Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-usertemplates Provides user-definable templates within the CMS that can be applied to content trees. Allows specification of Layout and main templates, as well as associating css + js files Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-versionedfiles Add versioning to files Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-watching Allows users to watch content items Dependency Badge
symbiote/silverstripe-wordpressmigrationtools A wordpress importer that handles various operations. Dependency Badge