
8 total, all up-to-date

Package Required Latest Status
knplabs/knp-menu-bundle This bundle provides an integration of the KnpMenu library ^3.0 v3.5.0 up to date
sylius/resource-bundle Resource component for Sylius. ^1.11 v1.12.1 up to date
sylius/twig-hooks Composable Twig layouts ^0.7.2 v0.7.2 up to date
symfony/http-kernel Provides a structured process for converting a Request into a Response ^6.4 || ^7.0 v7.2.4 up to date
symfony/security-bundle Provides a tight integration of the Security component into the Symfony full-stack framework ^6.4 || ^7.0 v7.2.3 up to date
symfony/security-http Symfony Security Component - HTTP Integration ^6.4 || ^7.0 v7.2.4 up to date
symfony/twig-bundle Provides a tight integration of Twig into the Symfony full-stack framework ^6.4 || ^7.0 v7.2.0 up to date
twig/twig Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP ^2.15 || ^3.0 v3.20.0 up to date

Requires (dev)

13 total, 3 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
doctrine/doctrine-bundle Symfony DoctrineBundle ^2.12 2.13.2 up to date
doctrine/orm Object-Relational-Mapper for PHP ^2.0 3.3.2 outdated
matthiasnoback/symfony-dependency-injection-test Library for testing user classes related to the Symfony Dependency Injection Component ^5.1 6.0.0 outdated
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ^9.6 12.0.5 outdated
sylius/grid-bundle Amazing grids with support of filters and custom fields integrated into Symfony. ^1.13 v1.13.1 up to date
symfony/browser-kit Simulates the behavior of a web browser, allowing you to make requests, click on links and submit forms programmatically ^6.4 || ^7.0 v7.2.4 up to date
symfony/config Helps you find, load, combine, autofill and validate configuration values of any kind ^6.4 || ^7.0 v7.2.3 up to date
symfony/console Eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces ^6.4 || ^7.0 v7.2.1 up to date
symfony/css-selector Converts CSS selectors to XPath expressions ^6.4 || ^7.0 v7.2.0 up to date
symfony/dotenv Registers environment variables from a .env file ^6.4 || ^7.0 v7.2.0 up to date
symfony/framework-bundle Provides a tight integration between Symfony components and the Symfony full-stack framework ^6.4 || ^7.0 v7.2.4 up to date
symfony/runtime Enables decoupling PHP applications from global state ^6.4 || ^7.0 v7.2.3 up to date
symfony/yaml Loads and dumps YAML files ^6.4 || ^7.0 v7.2.3 up to date