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Packages from sylius

Package Status
sylius/addressing Addressing and zone management for PHP applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/addressing-bundle Addressing and zone management for Symfony applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/admin-api-bundle APIs management for Symfony projects. Dependency Badge
sylius/admin-bundle Sylius eCommerce administration panel component. Dependency Badge
sylius/admin-order-creation-plugin Sylius Plugin for order creation in Admin panel Dependency Badge
sylius/api-bundle APIs management for Symfony projects. Dependency Badge
sylius/archetype Component for building multiple copies of an object with inherited options and attributes based on an archetype Dependency Badge
sylius/archetype-bundle Archetypes of models for your Symfony2 applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/association Component for creating product associations for up or cross selling Dependency Badge
sylius/association-bundle Products association for your Symfony2 applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/assortment-bundle Manage products, their variants, properties and options in your Symfony2 application. Dependency Badge
sylius/attribute Component for handling object attributes in PHP projects. Dependency Badge
sylius/attribute-bundle Managing object attributes for Symfony applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/blogger-bundle Simple blogging bundle. Dependency Badge
sylius/bootstrap-theme Bootstrap Theme for Sylius Dependency Badge
sylius/calendar Date handling for PHP applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/cart Cart engine for PHP applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/cart-bundle Cart engine for your next Symfony2 application. Dependency Badge
sylius/categorizer-bundle Easy categorizing in Symfony2 applications. Categorize any model you want, multiple catalogs supported. Dependency Badge
sylius/channel E-Commerce PHP component for managing different sales channels. Dependency Badge
sylius/channel-bundle Currencies and channel formatting engine bundle for Symfony. Dependency Badge
sylius/contact Contact component for PHP applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/contact-bundle Contact form processing for Symfony2. Dependency Badge
sylius/content-bundle Sylius content bundle. Dependency Badge
sylius/core Sylius e-commerce core. It integrates all components. Dependency Badge
sylius/core-bundle Sylius core bundle. It integrates all other bundles into full stack Symfony ecommerce solution. Dependency Badge
sylius/currency Currency handling for PHP applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/currency-bundle Currencies processing for Symfony. Dependency Badge
sylius/customer Customer handling for PHP applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/customer-bundle Customers management for Symfony projects. Dependency Badge
sylius/customer-order-cancellation-plugin Plugin that allows customers to cancel the placed order before it is processed. Dependency Badge
sylius/customer-reorder-plugin Sylius plugin that enables order reordering for a customer Dependency Badge
sylius/elastic-search-plugin Elastic search integration for Sylius. Dependency Badge
sylius/fixtures-bundle Configurable fixtures for Symfony applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/flow-bundle Multiple action setups for Symfony2, build your checkouts/installers or whatever needs more than one step to complete. Dependency Badge
sylius/gmv-bundle Lightweight local command to calculate the Sylius instance GMV within a specific period Dependency Badge
sylius/grid PHP library to handle building grid of objects with fields and filters support. Dependency Badge
sylius/grid-bundle Amazing grids with support of filters and custom fields integrated into Symfony. Dependency Badge
sylius/installer-bundle Web and command line installer for Sylius. Dependency Badge
sylius/inventory Flexible inventory management for PHP applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/inventory-bundle Flexible inventory management for Symfony applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/invoicing-plugin Invoicing plugin for Sylius. Dependency Badge
sylius/locale Locale handling for PHP applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/locale-bundle Locales management for Symfony projects. Dependency Badge
sylius/mailer Mails management and sending abstraction. Dependency Badge
sylius/mailer-bundle Mailers and e-mail template management for Symfony projects. Dependency Badge
sylius/metadata Metadata management for PHP applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/metadata-bundle Metadata management for Symfony2 projects. Dependency Badge
sylius/money Money and currency handling for PHP applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/money-bundle Currencies and money formatting engine bundle for Symfony. Dependency Badge
sylius/omnipay-bundle Symfony2 integration with Omnipay - multi-gateway, payment processing library. Dependency Badge
sylius/order Orders management library for PHP. Dependency Badge
sylius/order-bundle Sales order management for Symfony applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/originator Sylius component that enables storing object origin reference given by type and identifier. Dependency Badge
sylius/payment Flexible payments system for PHP e-commerce applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/payment-bundle Flexible payments system for Symfony e-commerce applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/payments-bundle Flexible payments system for Symfony2 e-commerce applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/paypal-plugin PayPal plugin for Sylius. Dependency Badge
sylius/payum-bundle Payum integration for Symfony e-commerce applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/phpspec Specification-oriented BDD framework for PHP 7.1+ Dependency Badge
sylius/plugins-bundle Plugins for Symfony2 applications installable via web GUI. Dependency Badge
sylius/plugin-skeleton Acme example plugin for Sylius. Dependency Badge
sylius/plugin-template Sylius Plugin Template Dependency Badge
sylius/price-history-plugin Implementation of the Omnibus Directive for Sylius application. Dependency Badge
sylius/pricing Pricing component for PHP e-commerce applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/pricing-bundle Pricing system for Symfony2 projects. Dependency Badge
sylius/product Product catalog system with support for product options and variants. Dependency Badge
sylius/product-bundle Product catalog for your Symfony applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/promotion Flexible promotion management for PHP applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/promotion-bundle Manage ecommerce promotions system in your Symfony application. Dependency Badge
sylius/promotions-bundle Manage ecommerce promotions system in your Symfony2 application. Dependency Badge
sylius/rbac RBAC component for PHP applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/rbac-bundle Symfony2 Role-Based-Access-Control Dependency Badge
sylius/rbac-plugin Sylius roles and permissions management plugin Dependency Badge
sylius/refund-plugin Plugin provides basic refunds functionality for Sylius application. Dependency Badge
sylius/registry Services registry. Dependency Badge
sylius/report Report system, based on data fetchers and renderers. Dependency Badge
sylius/report-bundle Flexible report system for Symfony2 ecommerce applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/resource Basic resource interfaces for PHP applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/resource-bundle Resource component for Sylius. Dependency Badge
sylius/review Review system, for commenting and rating shop components. Dependency Badge
sylius/review-bundle Review system for Symfony ecommerce applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/sales-bundle Sales order management for Symfony2 applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/search-bundle Product catalog for your Symfony2 applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/sequence Component for handling sequences in PHP projects. Dependency Badge
sylius/sequence-bundle Sequence system for Symfony2 applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/settings-bundle Settings system for Symfony2 applications, editable via web user interface. Dependency Badge
sylius/shipping Flexible shipping component for PHP e-commerce projects. Dependency Badge
sylius/shipping-bundle Flexible shipping system for Symfony ecommerce applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/shop-api-plugin Shop API for Sylius E-Commerce. Dependency Badge
sylius/shop-bundle Sylius eCommerce storefront. Dependency Badge
sylius/state-machine-abstraction Abstraction layer for State Machine used in Sylius bundles Dependency Badge
sylius/storage Component allowing easily & unified storage handling for PHP applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/sylius E-Commerce platform for PHP, based on Symfony framework. Dependency Badge
sylius/sylius-rector Rector upgrades rules for Sylius Dependency Badge
sylius/sylius-standard Starting point for projects powered by Sylius eCommerce. Dependency Badge
sylius/taxation Flexible taxation system for PHP ecommerce applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/taxation-bundle Flexible taxation system for Symfony ecommerce applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/taxonomies-bundle Flexible categorization system for Symfony2. Dependency Badge
sylius/taxonomy Taxonomies - categorization of domain models in PHP projects. Dependency Badge
sylius/taxonomy-bundle Flexible categorization system for Symfony. Dependency Badge
sylius/theme-bundle Themes management for Symfony projects. Dependency Badge
sylius/theme-skeleton Dependency Badge
sylius/theming-bundle Installable themes for your Symfony2 application. Dependency Badge
sylius/translation Translation component for translatable resources. Dependency Badge
sylius/translation-bundle Sylius translation bundle Dependency Badge
sylius/twig-hooks Composable Twig layouts Dependency Badge
sylius/ui-bundle Generic UI bundle for Sylius eCommerce components. Dependency Badge
sylius/user User handling for PHP applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/user-bundle Users management for Symfony projects. Dependency Badge
sylius/variable-product-bundle Product catalog system with support for product options and variants. Dependency Badge
sylius/variation Object variants and options management for PHP. Dependency Badge
sylius/variation-bundle Managing object variations and options for Symfony2 applications. Dependency Badge
sylius/web-bundle Sylius store web bundle. Dependency Badge