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Packages from swisnl

Package Status
swisnl/avg-safe-iframes Fix iframe elements in order to comply to AVG Dependency Badge
swisnl/bitbucket-reports Helper classes for Bitbucket Pipeline Reports Dependency Badge
swisnl/carwash Data scrubber for Laravel applications Dependency Badge
swisnl/codestyle Developer tools so their codestyle will be more consistent Dependency Badge
swisnl/filament-backgrounds Beautiful backgrounds for Filament auth pages Dependency Badge
swisnl/flysystem-encrypted Flysystem Adapter Encryption Decorator Dependency Badge
swisnl/game-of-tests Classes to parse git repositories in search for tests, gives a list of tests with their owner to create a ranking of tests written. Dependency Badge
swisnl/game-of-tests-laravel Laravel package for a Game of Tests. Dependency Badge
swisnl/game-of-tests-laravel-demo The Laravel Framework. Dependency Badge
swisnl/geocoder-php-nationaal-georegister-provider PDOK (formerly Nationaal Georegister) provider for Geocoder PHP Dependency Badge
swisnl/guzzle-bugsnag-breadcrumbs-middleware Guzzle middleware that logs Bugsnag breadcrumbs Dependency Badge
swisnl/guzzle-fixture-handler Fixture handler for Guzzle 6+ Dependency Badge
swisnl/guzzle-sentry-breadcrumbs-middleware Guzzle middleware that logs Sentry breadcrumbs Dependency Badge
swisnl/illuminate-collections Metapackage to import illuminate/collections, with fallback to illuminate/support for older PHP/Laravel versions. Dependency Badge
swisnl/jsonapi A PHP package for mapping remote JSON:API resources to Eloquent like models and collections. Dependency Badge
swisnl/json-api-client A PHP package for mapping remote JSON:API resources to Eloquent like models and collections. Dependency Badge
swisnl/json-api-client-laravel A PHP package for mapping remote JSON:API resources to Eloquent like models and collections. Dependency Badge
swisnl/json-api-server Set up a JSON API in Laravel in just a few minutes. Dependency Badge
swisnl/laravel-bugsnag-extras Extra debugging information in BugSnag, specifically for SWIS Dependency Badge
swisnl/laravel-database-translations Dependency Badge
swisnl/laravel-elasticsearch Laravel integration for elasticsearch Dependency Badge
swisnl/laravel-encrypted-data Laravel Utilities for Encrypted Data Dependency Badge
swisnl/laravel-form Package for the formwizard of webbeheer Dependency Badge
swisnl/laravel-fulltext Fulltext indexing and searching for Laravel Dependency Badge
swisnl/laravel-graylog2 Log your Laravel application errors to Graylog2 Dependency Badge
swisnl/laravel-head Customize and automate head section of your layouts for Laravel Dependency Badge
swisnl/laravel-health Monitor the health of a Laravel application Dependency Badge
swisnl/laravel-javascript-data-response JavaScript data response macro for Laravel Dependency Badge
swisnl/laravel-lti-provider Laravel lti provider Dependency Badge
swisnl/laravel-mautic Laravel wrapper for Mautic API Dependency Badge
swisnl/laravel-nova-mirror Automatically update a git repository with Laravel Nova releases. Dependency Badge
swisnl/laravel-psr-http-client-bridge Laravel PSR-18 HTTP Client Bridge Dependency Badge
swisnl/laravel-sentry-extras Extra debugging information in Sentry, specifically for SWIS Dependency Badge
swisnl/laravel-static-request-cache Cache static responses based on content-type to static files. Dependency Badge
swisnl/melvin NDW Melvin API client Dependency Badge
swisnl/omnipay-redsys RedSys driver for the Omnipay payment processing library Dependency Badge
swisnl/openapi-spec-generator Creates Open API spec for a Laravel JSON:API Dependency Badge
swisnl/pdfcrowd-client A client for the API. Includes a Laravel service provider. Dependency Badge
swisnl/pdok-geodatastore-api A client for the PDOK Geodatastore API. Dependency Badge
swisnl/phpcs-bitbucket PHP_CodeSniffer reporter for Bitbucket Pipeline Reports Dependency Badge
swisnl/php-cs-fixer-bitbucket PHP CS Fixer reporter for Bitbucket Pipeline Reports Dependency Badge
swisnl/php-cs-fixer-config Default PHP-CS-Fixer config factory used at SWIS Dependency Badge
swisnl/php-http-fixture-client Fixture client for PHP-HTTP Dependency Badge
swisnl/phpmd-bitbucket PHPMD renderer for Bitbucket Pipeline Reports Dependency Badge
swisnl/phpstan-bitbucket PHPStan error formatter for Bitbucket Pipeline Reports Dependency Badge
swisnl/phpstan-faker PHPStan Reflection extension for custom Faker providers Dependency Badge
swisnl/textsnippet Create a snippet of text highlighting a given string Dependency Badge
swisnl/webbeheer-laravel Package for connecting SWIS Webbeheer structure to your laravel application Dependency Badge
swisnl/webbeheer-migrations Migration generator for Webbeheer Dependency Badge
swisnl/zf-ioc Controller action dependency injection in Zend Framework 1 using Laravel's IoC container. Dependency Badge