.Package | Status | |
survos/album-bundle | Webelop Album is a photo management and publishing Symfony bundle | |
survos/api-grid-bundle | incorporate DatatablesNet, using twig and stimulus, twig_component requires ^2.2 | |
survos/auth-bundle | Helper commands and classes for symfony security | |
survos/barcode-bundle | Integrates picqer/php-barcode-generator in a Symfony application | |
survos/base-bundle | Add some tools and resources to a Symfony 6 application | |
survos/bootstrap-bundle | Integrates a bootstrap theme with many extras in a Symfony application | |
survos/bunny-bundle | Symfony bundle for interacting with BunnyCDN using | |
survos/command-bundle | Run Symfony console commands from a web interface | |
survos/core-bundle | Traits and Interfaces common to other Survos bundles | |
survos/crawler-bundle | Provides a way to create tests that crawl a site | |
survos/deployment-bundle | ||
survos/doc-bundle | Build Sphinx documentation for a Symfony project, using Twig templates | |
survos/faker-bundle | Makes fakerphp/faker methods available via twig | |
survos/flickr-bundle | Symfony bundle that wraps samwilson/phpflickr library | |
survos/geoapify-bundle | Symfony bundle to interact with | |
survos/global-giving-bundle | global-giving-bundle Bundle | |
survos/google-sheets-bundle | This bundle manages Google Spreadsheets using the Google api. | |
survos/grid-bundle | incorporate DatatablesNet, using twig and stimulus, twig_component requires ^2.3 | |
survos/grid-group-bundle | Handle groups of CSV as a spreadsheet | |
survos/html-prettify-bundle | format HTML | |
survos/inspection-bundle | Inspects Doctrine entities with APIPlatform attributes | |
survos/ip2location-bundle | Symfony wrapper for ip2location.ip | |
survos/js-twig-bundle | wrap the jstwig library in a Symfony UX component | |
survos/key-value-bundle | Symfony Bundle to easily allow a SQLite Key Value lookup | |
survos/landing-bundle | Add some tools and resources to a Symfony4.4/Symfony5 application | |
survos/libre-translate-bundle | ||
survos/liform | Library to transform Symfony Forms into Json Schema | |
survos/liform-bundle | Bundle for Liform: Transform Symfony Forms into Json Schema | |
survos/location-bundle | Use Geonames to in an application | |
survos/maker-bundle | Tools to generate controllers and templates for the admin interface | |
survos/meili-admin-bundle | ||
survos/mobile-bundle | Bundle with utilities for creating a Symfony-based mobile app | |
survos/pixie-bundle | Symfony Bundle to easily allow a SQLite Key Value lookup. Optionally uses zip and bunny utilities for sync | |
survos/platform-api-php | Survos php api client | |
survos/providence-bundle | Work with CA's providence profiles and system | |
survos/pwa-extra-bundle | Extra tools for | |
survos/reveal-bundle | ||
survos/scraper-bundle | Scrape and cache web pages | |
survos/seo-bundle | Adds some metadata information to the debug toolbar | |
survos/simple-datatables-bundle | incorporate simple datatables, using twig and stimulus | |
survos/sitemap-parser-bundle | sitemap-parser-bundle Bundle | |
survos/tree-bundle | incorporate jstree, using twig and stimulus and api-platform | |
survos/wiki-bundle | Interact with wikidata and wikipedia | |
survos/wikidata | A PHP client for working with Wikidata API. | |
survos/workflow-extension-bundle | Add some tools for using the Symfony Workflow Component | |
survos/workflow-helper-bundle | Add some tools for using the Symfony Workflow Component |