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Packages from sunra

Package Status
sunra/angularjs-symfony2-bundle AngularJS and set of usefull thirdparty libs - composer packaged and in symfony2 bundle Dependency Badge
sunra/dbug Most beautiful variable dump library for PHP (ColdFusion like style) Dependency Badge
sunra/dbug-twig-extension Enable for Twig dBug class as filter ( Dependency Badge
sunra/html_to_text Working horse HTML to text convertor for PHP. Years of finding right choice Dependency Badge
sunra/jquery-set-symfony2-bundle jQuery and set of plugins for Symfony2. Bundled & composer packaged Dependency Badge
sunra/php-simple-html-dom-parser Composer adaptation of: A HTML DOM parser written in PHP5+ let you manipulate HTML in a very easy way! Require PHP 5+. Supports invalid HTML. Find tags on an HTML page with selectors just like jQuery. Extract contents from HTML in a single line. Dependency Badge
sunra/redis-queue-bundle All in one Redis based messages queue and worker supervisor. With GUI on board Dependency Badge
sunra/turbosms-bundle A Turbosms bundle for Symfony2 Dependency Badge
sunra/turbosms-soapgate-client-php Client library for connect to soap gate of Dependency Badge
sunra/tw-bootstrap-bundle Twitter Bootstrap for Symfony2. Bundled & composer packaged Dependency Badge