
6 total, 5 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
silverstripe/blog A fresh take on blogging in Silverstripe set out to tackle the issue of a cluttered Site Tree. ^4 4.3.3 up to date
sunnysideup/cms-niceties adds a bit of formatting and a few CMS Field tricks to the CMS dev-master 5.14.0 outdated
sunnysideup/grid-field-send-to-bottom-action grid-field-send-to-bottom-action dev-master 3.0.0 outdated
sunnysideup/pdf_upload_field Adds an Upload Field specifically for PDFs to your Silverstripe CMS dev-master 4.0.0 outdated
sunnysideup/perfect_cms_images Silverstripe Module that makes it easier for CMS Editors to upload the right size image. It allows the developer to set the size for each image (width, height or both) in one place and apply this throughout the project in the CMS and on the front-end. dev-master 8.2.0 outdated
sunnysideup/yes-no-any-filter Fix for broken boolean search in Silverstripe ORM dev-master 4.2.0 outdated

Requires (dev)

No required development dependencies.