
27 total, 25 outdated, 1 unknown

Package Required Latest Status
silverstripe/recipe-cms SilverStripe recipe for fully featured page and asset content editing ^5.0 5.3.0 up to date
silverstripe-themes/simple The SilverStripe simple theme (default SilverStripe 3 theme) dev-master 3.3.2 outdated
sunnysideup/ecommerce Silverstripe E-commerce Application dev-master 24.3.2 outdated
sunnysideup/ecommerce_alsorecommended adds 'also recommended is ...' to e-commerce dev-master 5.0.0 outdated
sunnysideup/ecommerce_assign_orders Assign Silverstripe E-commerce orders to a specific shop administrator dev-master 3.1.0 outdated
sunnysideup/ecommerce_custom_product_lists Create sets of custom product lists for your ecommerce store dev-master 3.1.0 outdated
sunnysideup/ecommerce_delivery add delivery costs to your silverstripe e-commerce dev-master 8.2.3 outdated
sunnysideup/ecommerce-demo-theme Sunny Side Up Theme for the Silverstripe E-commerce Demo Shop dev-master unknown
sunnysideup/ecommerce_discount_coupon adds a discount coupon functionality to your Silverstripe e-commerce application dev-master 6.0.1 outdated
sunnysideup/ecommerce_giftvoucher Provides a Gift Voucher Product for the Silverstripe E-commerce application. dev-master 4.2.2 outdated
sunnysideup/ecommerce-google-analytics Add Google Analytics order tracking to your silverstripe e-commerce website dev-master 3.0.0 outdated
sunnysideup/ecommerce-google-shopping-feed add google shopping feed to your e-commerce install dev-master 5.0.0 outdated
sunnysideup/ecommerce_maxmind_minfraud Checks for possible fraudulent orders using the minFraud API provided by MaxMind. dev-master 3.1.0 outdated
sunnysideup/ecommerce_orderstep_feedback add a feedbck step to silverstripe e-commerce dev-master 3.3.0 outdated
sunnysideup/ecommerce_quick_coupons Allows coupons for particular products to be added quickly! dev-master 4.0.0 outdated
sunnysideup/ecommerce_second_hand_product Add a second hand product (or similar) to your Silverstripe e-commerce install. dev-master 5.3.1 outdated
sunnysideup/ecommerce_security Add additional security checks to your Silverstripe e-commerce install. dev-master 3.1.1 outdated
sunnysideup/ecommerce_tax adds tax options to the Silverstripe e-commerce application dev-master 8.1.0 outdated
sunnysideup/geoip GeoIP module for SilverStripe. dev-master 3.0.0 outdated
sunnysideup/google_address_field Provide a form field for the Silverstripe CMS that allows geocoding address prediction (autocomplete) and quick lookup of addresses using the Google API dev-master 4.1.1 outdated
sunnysideup/googleanalyticsbasics add google analytics to your Silverstripe website dev-master 9.0.2 outdated
sunnysideup/payment_directcredit add the direct credit (bank to bank) payment option to your silverstripe e-commerce and silverstripe payment modules. dev-master 3.1.0 outdated
sunnysideup/payment_dps Add DPS payment, including 'store credit card' to your silverstripe e-commerce and payment modules. dev-master 9.0.0 outdated
sunnysideup/payment_hirepurchase Allow customers to purchase from your store using hire purchase as the payment option dev-master 3.1.0 outdated
sunnysideup/payment_instore add in-store payment to your silverstripe e-commerce application dev-master 3.1.0 outdated
sunnysideup/sswebpack_engine_only Webpack engine for Silverstripe without any theme at all. Use this with any theme / module you are building. You can also use it without SilverStripe at all. dev-master 17.1.1 outdated
sunnysideup/webpack_requirements_backend Silverstripe Module that provides an alternative to the standard Silvertripe Requirements Backend class so that your application can run webpack. dev-master 9.1.4 outdated

Requires (dev)

No required development dependencies.