3 total, 2 outdated
Package | Required | Latest | Status | |
league/climate | PHP's best friend for the terminal. CLImate allows you to easily output colored text, special formats, and more. | ^3.5 | 3.10.0 | up to date |
silverstripe/cms | The SilverStripe Content Management System | ^4 | 5.3.2 | outdated |
symbiote/silverstripe-queuedjobs | A framework for defining and running background jobs in a queued manner | ^4.5 | 5.2.0 | outdated |
8 total, 5 outdated
Package | Required | Latest | Status | |
ergebnis/composer-normalize | Provides a composer plugin for normalizing composer.json. | ^2 | 2.45.0 | up to date |
php-parallel-lint/php-console-highlighter | Highlight PHP code in terminal | ^0.5.0 | v1.0.0 | outdated |
php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint | This tool checks the syntax of PHP files about 20x faster than serial check. | ^1 | v1.4.0 | up to date |
phpstan/extension-installer | Composer plugin for automatic installation of PHPStan extensions | ^1.0 | 1.4.3 | up to date |
phpstan/phpstan | PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool | ^1 | 2.1.6 | outdated |
phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules | Extra strict and opinionated rules for PHPStan | ^1 | 2.0.3 | outdated |
phpunit/phpunit | The PHP Unit Testing framework. | ^5.7 | 12.0.3 | outdated |
slevomat/coding-standard | Slevomat Coding Standard for PHP_CodeSniffer complements Consistence Coding Standard by providing sniffs with additional checks. | ^7 | 8.15.0 | outdated |