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Packages from stechstudio

Package Status
stechstudio/aws-events Event Handling for AWS Lambda Dependency Badge
stechstudio/backoff PHP library providing retry functionality with multiple backoff strategies and jitter support Dependency Badge
stechstudio/bai2 PHP library to read and parse BAI2 files Dependency Badge
stechstudio/codeception-laravel-unittest Dependency Badge
stechstudio/email-event-parser Parses event data from a variety of email service providers Dependency Badge
stechstudio/email-forward-parser PHP port of Dependency Badge
stechstudio/filament-impersonate A Filament package to impersonate your users. Dependency Badge
stechstudio/filament-opcache Manage OPcache from your Filament admin panel. Dependency Badge
stechstudio/filament-phpinfo View phpinfo from your Filament admin panel. Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-aws-lambda Allows php to respond to http requests on aws lambda Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-bref-bridge Bref, the Laravel way. Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-email-events Handle email event webhooks Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-env-security Securely manage .env files for different deployment environments Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-hubspot A Laravel SDK for the HubSpot CRM Api Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-jwt Helper package that makes it easy to generate, consume, and protect routes with JWT tokens in Laravel Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-locking-migrations Ensure only one server runs migrations at a time Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-metrics Easily track metrics from Laravel events, or on your own Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-php-cs-fixer Easily format your Laravel Code with this Configuration file and accompanying artisan command. Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-raw-sessions A raw PHP session handler for Laravel Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-record What if Laravel's Collection and Model classes had a baby? Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-route-context Provide additional route context that gets treated as normal route parameters Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-shuttle This is my package laravel-shuttle Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-socialite-auth Use socialite as a Laravel auth driver. Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-ssh-tunnel Easy creation & maintenance of an SSH Tunnel for Laravel/Lumen Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-storage-connect Assists with connecting to various cloud storage services and pushing files Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-upload-server A robust Laravel backend for handling FilePond uploads with large file chunking support Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-vfs-adapter Virtual Filesystem Storage Adapter for Laravel Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-visual-testing Visual UI testing for Laravel Dusk using Dependency Badge
stechstudio/laravel-zipstream A fast and simple streaming zip file downloader for Laravel. Dependency Badge
stechstudio/logging Logging for our apps Dependency Badge
stechstudio/phpinfo Easily interact with phpinfo() configuration Dependency Badge
stechstudio/piton PSR-3 Compatible Splunk Storm Logging Dependency Badge
stechstudio/publish-s3-assets A simple way to publish assets directly to S3, in CI or elsewhere Dependency Badge
stechstudio/slack-laravel-api Slack SDK for writing our own Slack App integrations. Dependency Badge
stechstudio/snapthis PHP SDK for SnapThis screenshot service Dependency Badge
stechstudio/valet-plus-phpbrew PhpBrew PHP management alongside Laravel Valet+ Dependency Badge