
16 total, 1 unknown

Package Required Latest Status
grpc/grpc gRPC library for PHP ^1.57 1.57.0 up to date
psr/http-factory PSR-17: Common interfaces for PSR-7 HTTP message factories ^1.1 1.1.0 up to date
psr/simple-cache Common interfaces for simple caching ^3.0 3.0.0 up to date
roadrunner-php/app-logger Send log messages to RoadRunner ^1.0 1.2.0 up to date
roadrunner-php/centrifugo RoadRunner: Centrifugo bridge ^2.0 v2.2.0 up to date
roadrunner-php/lock This package provides a PHP integration package for the RoadRunner Lock plugin, which allows for easy management of distributed locks in PHP applications. The plugin provides a fast, lightweight, and reliable way to acquire, release, and manage locks in a distributed environment, making it ideal for use in high-traffic web applications and microservices. ^1.0 1.0.0 up to date
spiral/grpc-client gRPC client ^1.0 unknown
spiral/hmvc HMVC Core and Controllers ^3.14 3.15.4 up to date
spiral/roadrunner-grpc High-Performance GRPC server for PHP applications ^3.3 v3.5.0 up to date
spiral/roadrunner-http RoadRunner: HTTP and PSR-7 worker ^3.5 v3.5.1 up to date
spiral/roadrunner-jobs RoadRunner Queues (Jobs) plugin API library ^4.4 v4.6.2 up to date
spiral/roadrunner-kv RoadRunner kv plugin bridge ^4.0 v4.3.0 up to date
spiral/roadrunner-metrics RoadRunner: Prometheus metrics RPC ^3.0 v3.2.0 up to date
spiral/roadrunner-tcp RoadRunner: TCP worker ^3.1 || ^4.0 v4.1.0 up to date
spiral/scaffolder Spiral, Code Scaffolding module ^3.13 3.15.4 up to date
spiral/serializer Common Serializer Interfaces ^3.13 3.15.4 up to date

Requires (dev)

8 total, 3 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
buggregator/trap A simple and powerful tool for debugging PHP applications. ^1.10 1.13.3 up to date
internal/dload Downloads binaries. ^1.0.0 0.2.2 outdated
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ^10.5 12.0.5 outdated
spiral/framework Spiral, High-Performance PHP/Go Framework ^3.14 3.15.4 up to date
spiral/nyholm-bridge Spiral Framework: Nyholm PSR-7/PSR-17 bridge ^1.3 v1.3.0 up to date
spiral/roadrunner-cli RoadRunner: Command Line Interface ^2.6 v2.7.1 up to date
spiral/testing Spiral Framework testing SDK ^2.8 2.9.0 up to date
vimeo/psalm A static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications ^5.25 6.8.8 outdated