
2 total, 1 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
spiral/boot Environment Bootloader and Dispatch Manager ^1.0 3.14.8 outdated
spiral/composer-publish-plugin ^1.0 v1.1.2 up to date

Requires (dev)

21 total, 18 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
mockery/mockery Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework ^1.1 1.6.12 up to date
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ~7.0 11.5.2 outdated
spiral/console Console Core, Auto-Discovery, Command Sequencing ^1.0 3.14.8 outdated
spiral/database DBAL, schema introspection, migration and pagination ^2.0 v2.9.4 up to date
spiral/debug Debug Toolkit: Log factory interface, variable dumper, benchmarker ^1.1 3.14.8 outdated
spiral/encrypter Encrypter Component ^1.0 3.14.8 outdated
spiral/filters Deep Structural Validation, Data Mapper, Inheritance ^1.0 3.14.8 outdated
spiral/http HTTP Request pipeline ^1.0 3.14.8 outdated
spiral/jobs Spiral: Jobs Jobs and Queue 2.0 v2.2.2 outdated
spiral/logger LogFactory and global log listeners ^1.0 3.14.8 outdated
spiral/migrations Database migrations, migration scaffolding ^2.0 v2.3.0 up to date
spiral/models DataEntity models ^2.0 3.14.8 outdated
spiral/roadrunner RoadRunner: High-performance PHP application server and process manager written in Go and powered with plugins ^1.2 v2024.3.1 outdated
spiral/router Routes, RESTFul, URI generation, Adaptive Patterns ^1.0 3.14.8 outdated
spiral/security Spiral, RBAC security layer ^2.0 3.14.8 outdated
spiral/session Secure sessions over native PHP handlers ^1.0 3.14.8 outdated
spiral/snapshots Exception Snapshot Manager ^1.0 3.14.8 outdated
spiral/tokenizer Static Analysis: Class and Invocation locators ^2.0 3.14.8 outdated
spiral/translator Translator, Static Analysis and Auto-Indexation ^1.0 3.14.8 outdated
spiral/validation Nested validation, Checkers, Conditional Validation ^1.0 3.14.8 outdated
spiral/views View Manager and Rendering Engine selector ^1.0 3.14.8 outdated