
No required dependencies.

Requires (dev)

14 total, 8 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
guzzlehttp/guzzle Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library ^7.4 7.8.1 up to date
illuminate/http The Illuminate Http package. ^9.4 v11.7.0 outdated
illuminate/view The Illuminate View package. ^9.4 v11.7.0 outdated
laravel-zero/framework The Laravel Zero Framework. dev-feature/php-8.2-box v11.0.1 outdated
mockery/mockery Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework ^1.4.4 1.6.12 up to date
nunomaduro/termwind Its like Tailwind CSS, but for the console. ^1.7 v2.0.1 outdated
pestphp/pest The elegant PHP Testing Framework. ^1.21.1 v2.34.7 outdated
phpstan/phpstan PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool ^1.5 1.11.1 up to date
soundasleep/html2text A PHP script to convert HTML into a plain text format ^2.0 2.1.0 up to date
spatie/guzzle-redirect-history-middleware A Guzzle middleware to keep track of redirects ^1.0 1.0.1 up to date
spatie/ray Debug with Ray to fix problems faster ^1.34 1.41.2 up to date
symfony/css-selector Converts CSS selectors to XPath expressions ^6.0 v7.0.7 outdated
symfony/dom-crawler Eases DOM navigation for HTML and XML documents ^6.0 v7.0.7 outdated
symfony/stopwatch Provides a way to profile code ^6.0 v7.0.7 outdated