.Package | Status | |
spatie/7to5 | Convert PHP 7 code to PHP 5 code | |
spatie/activitylog | A very simple activity logger to monitor the users of your website or application | |
spatie/analytics-reports | An opinionated Laravel 4 package to retrieve Google Analytics data | |
spatie/analytics-statistics | An opinionated php package to retrieve Google Analytics data. | |
spatie/array-functions | Some handy array helpers | |
spatie/array-to-xml | Convert an array to xml | |
spatie/asset-helper | Get the url to a revisioned asset | |
spatie/async | Asynchronous and parallel PHP with the PCNTL extension | |
spatie/backtrace | A better backtrace | |
spatie/better-types | Improved abstraction for dealing with union and named types. | |
spatie/blink | Cache that expires in the blink of an eye | |
spatie/bpost-address-webservice | API wrapper for bpost's address webservice | |
spatie/browsershot | Convert a webpage to an image or pdf using headless Chrome | |
spatie/calendar-links | Generate add to calendar links for Google, iCal and other calendar systems | |
spatie/checkout | A simple e-commerce checkout helper for Laravel 5 | |
spatie/code-outliner | Generate outline images of your code | |
spatie/color | A little library to handle color conversions | |
spatie/commonmark-highlighter | Highlight your markdown code blocks with league/commonmark | |
spatie/commonmark-shiki-highlighter | Highlight code blocks with league/commonmark and Shiki | |
spatie/commonmark-wire-navigate | Add a wire:navigate attribute to links rendered in Markdown | |
spatie/cpu-load-health-check | A Laravel Health check to monitor CPU load | |
spatie/craft-ray | Easily debug CraftCMS projects | |
spatie/crawler | Crawl all internal links found on a website | |
spatie/crypto | Encrypting and signing data using private/public keys | |
spatie/data-transfer-object | Data transfer objects with batteries included | |
spatie/db-dumper | Dump databases | |
spatie/dns | Retrieve DNS records | |
spatie/docker | Run a docker container in your PHPUnit tests | |
spatie/dropbox-api | A minimal implementation of Dropbox API v2 | |
spatie/elasticsearch-query-builder | Build and execute an Elasticsearch search query using a fluent PHP API | |
spatie/elasticsearch-search-string-parser | Build Elasticsearch queries based of a query string | |
spatie/eloquent-sortable | Sortable behaviour for eloquent models | |
spatie/email-concealer | Conceal e-mail addresses in a string by replacing their domain | |
spatie/email-concealer-cli | CLI tool for concealing e-mails in a file by replacing their domain | |
spatie/emoji | Display emoji characters | |
spatie/enum | PHP Enums | |
spatie/error-solutions | This is my package error-solutions | |
spatie/filament-markdown-editor | A markdown editor for Filament with code highlighting and image uploads | |
spatie/filament-simple-stats | Opinionated prebuilt stat widgets to quickly add to your Filament dashboards. | |
spatie/file-system-watcher | Watch changes in the file system using PHP | |
spatie/flare-client-php | Send PHP errors to Flare | |
spatie/flysystem-dropbox | Flysystem Adapter for the Dropbox v2 API | |
spatie/flysystem-google-cloud-storage | Flysystem adapter for Google Cloud Storage | |
spatie/fork | A lightweight solution for running code concurrently in PHP | |
spatie/fractalistic | A developer friendly wrapper around Fractal | |
spatie/geocoder | Geocoding addresses to coordinates | |
spatie/github-actions-watcher | A CLI tool to see the status of all your GitHub Actions workflows in real time | |
spatie/global-laravel-remote | Execute artisan commands on your server | |
spatie/global-ray | Enable Ray in all PHP files on your system | |
spatie/googlesearch | Get searchresults from a Google Custom Search Engine | |
spatie/google-time-zone | Get time zones for coordinates | |
spatie/guzzle-rate-limiter-middleware | A rate limiter for Guzzle | |
spatie/guzzle-redirect-history-middleware | A Guzzle middleware to keep track of redirects | |
spatie/holidays | Calculate public holidays | |
spatie/html-element | Html rendering in php inspired by hyperscript | |
spatie/http-status-check | CLI tool to crawl a website and check HTTP status code | |
spatie/icalendar-generator | Build calendars in the iCalendar format | |
spatie/ignition | A beautiful error page for PHP applications. | |
spatie/ignition-contracts | Solution contracts for Ignition | |
spatie/image | Manipulate images with an expressive API | |
spatie/image-optimizer | Easily optimize images using PHP | |
spatie/interactive-slack-notification-channel | Send interactive Slack notifications in Laravel apps | |
spatie/invade | A PHP function to work with private properties and methods | |
spatie/laravel4-googletagmanager | Google Tag Manager integration for Laravel 4 | |
spatie/laravel-activitylog | A very simple activity logger to monitor the users of your website or application | |
spatie/laravel-analytics | A Laravel package to retrieve Google Analytics data. | |
spatie/laravel-artisan-dd | Run dd from your commandline | |
spatie/laravel-artisan-dispatchable | Dispatch Laravel jobs via Artisan | |
spatie/laravel-authorize | A middleware to check authorization | |
spatie/laravel-auto-discoverer | Automatically discover structures within your PHP application | |
spatie/laravel-backup | A Laravel package to backup your application | |
spatie/laravel-backup-server | Backup multiple applications | |
spatie/laravel-binary-uuid | Binary support for UUIDs in Laravel | |
spatie/laravel-blade | Use the simple and yet powerful Laravel Blade templating engine as a standalone component. | |
spatie/laravel-blade-comments | Add debug comments to your rendered output | |
spatie/laravel-blade-javascript | A Blade directive to export variables to JavaScript | |
spatie/laravel-blade-x | Supercharged Blade components | |
spatie/laravel-blink | Cache that expires in the blink of an eye | |
spatie/laravel-ciphersweet | Use ciphersweet in your Laravel project | |
spatie/laravel-collection-macros | A set of useful Laravel collection macros | |
spatie/laravel-comments | Associate comments and reactions with Eloquent models | |
spatie/laravel-cookie-consent | Make your Laravel app comply with the crazy EU cookie law | |
spatie/laravel-cors | Send CORS headers in a Laravel or Lumen application | |
spatie/laravel-cronless-schedule | Run the Laravel scheduler without relying on cron | |
spatie/laravel-csp | Add CSP headers to the responses of a Laravel app | |
spatie/laravel-dashboard | A dashboard for Laravel | |
spatie/laravel-dashboard-attendances-tile | A tile for laravel-dashboard that displays who is at the office today | |
spatie/laravel-dashboard-belgian-trains-tile | A tile for Laravel Dashboard that display Belgian train connections | |
spatie/laravel-dashboard-calendar-tile | A calendar tile for Laravel Dashboard | |
spatie/laravel-dashboard-coffee-tile | Coffee statistics for the Spatie office | |
spatie/laravel-dashboard-oh-dear-uptime-tile | A uptime tile for Laravel Dashboard | |
spatie/laravel-dashboard-time-weather-tile | A tile for Laravel Dashboard that displays the time and the weather | |
spatie/laravel-dashboard-twitter-tile | A Twitter tile for Laravel Dashboard | |
spatie/laravel-dashboard-velo-tile | A velo tile for Laravel Dashboard | |
spatie/laravel-data | Create unified resources and data transfer objects | |
spatie/laravel-database-mail-templates | Render Laravel mailables using a template stored in the database. | |
spatie/laravel-db-snapshots | Quickly dump and load databases | |
spatie/laravel-deleted-models | Automatically copy deleted records to a separate table | |
spatie/laravel-demo-mode | A middleware to protect your work in progress from prying eyes | |
spatie/laravel-directory-cleanup | This package will remove the expired files from the given directories. | |
spatie/laravel-disable-floc | Automatically disable Google's floc in Laravel apps | |
spatie/laravel-discord-alerts | Send a message to Discord | |
spatie/laravel-disk-monitor | Monitor metrics of Laravel disks | |
spatie/laravel-dynamic-servers | Dynamically create and destroy servers | |
spatie/laravel-endpoint-resources | Add links to Laravel API resources | |
spatie/laravel-enum | Laravel Enum support | |
spatie/laravel-error-share | Share your Laravel errors to Flare | |
spatie/laravel-error-solutions | Display solutions on the Laravel error page | |
spatie/laravel-event-projector | Event sourcing for artisans | |
spatie/laravel-eventsauce | Use EventSauce in Laravel apps | |
spatie/laravel-event-sourcing | The easiest way to get started with event sourcing in Laravel | |
spatie/laravel-export | Create a static site bundle from a Laravel app | |
spatie/laravel-failed-job-monitor | Get notified when a queued job fails | |
spatie/laravel-feed | Generate rss feeds | |
spatie/laravel-flare | Send Laravel errors to Flare | |
spatie/laravel-flash | A lightweight package to flash messages | |
spatie/laravel-float-sdk | A Laravel SDK for the API | |
spatie/laravel-fractal | An easy to use Fractal integration for Laravel applications | |
spatie/laravel-github-webhooks | Handle GitHub webhooks in a Laravel application | |
spatie/laravel-glide | Easily convert images with Glide | |
spatie/laravel-google-calendar | Manage events on a Google Calendar | |
spatie/laravel-google-cloud-storage | Google Cloud Storage filesystem driver for Laravel | |
spatie/laravel-google-fonts | Manage self-hosted Google Fonts in Laravel apps | |
spatie/laravel-googletagmanager | Google Tag Manager integration for Laravel | |
spatie/laravel-health | Monitor the health of a Laravel application | |
spatie/laravel-help-space | Integrate Helpspace in your Laravel app | |
spatie/laravel-honeypot | Preventing spam submitted through forms | |
spatie/laravel-horizon-watcher | Automatically restart Horizon when local PHP files change | |
spatie/laravel-html | A fluent html builder | |
spatie/laravel-http-logger | A Laravel package to log HTTP requests | |
spatie/laravel-ignition | A beautiful error page for Laravel applications. | |
spatie/laravel-image-optimizer | Optimize images in your Laravel app | |
spatie/laravel-interacts-with-payload | Add variables to the payloads of all jobs in a Laravel app | |
spatie/laravel-javascript-views | ||
spatie/laravel-json-api-paginate | A paginator that plays nice with the JSON API spec | |
spatie/laravel-link-checker | Check all links in a Laravel app | |
spatie/laravel-littlegatekeeper | Protect pages from access with a universal username/password | |
spatie/laravel-livewire-onboard | A Laravel package to help track user onboarding steps | |
spatie/laravel-livewire-wizard | Build wizards using Livewire | |
spatie/laravel-log-dumper | A function to dump anything to the log | |
spatie/laravel-login-link | Quickly login to your local environment | |
spatie/laravel-long-running-tasks | Handle long running tasks in a Laravel app | |
spatie/laravel-mailable-test | An artisan command to easily test a mailable | |
spatie/laravel-mailcoach-codemirror | A CodeMirror editor package for Mailcoach | |
spatie/laravel-mailcoach-editor | An Editor editor package for Mailcoach | |
spatie/laravel-mailcoach-mailer | The driver for sending transactional mails using Mailcoach in Laravel | |
spatie/laravel-mailcoach-mailgun-feedback | Process feedback for email campaigns sent using Mailgun | |
spatie/laravel-mailcoach-mailgun-setup | Setup Mailgun for use with Mailcoach | |
spatie/laravel-mailcoach-markdown-editor | A Toast UI Markdown editor package for Mailcoach | |
spatie/laravel-mailcoach-monaco | A Monaco editor package for Mailcoach | |
spatie/laravel-mailcoach-postmark-feedback | Process feedback for email campaigns sent using Postmark | |
spatie/laravel-mailcoach-postmark-setup | Setup Sendgrid for use with Mailcoach | |
spatie/laravel-mailcoach-sdk | An SDK to easily work with the Mailcoach API in Laravel apps | |
spatie/laravel-mailcoach-sendgrid-feedback | Process feedback for email campaigns sent using Sendgrid | |
spatie/laravel-mailcoach-sendgrid-setup | Setup Sendgrid for use with Mailcoach | |
spatie/laravel-mailcoach-sendinblue-feedback | Process feedback for email campaigns sent using Sendinblue | |
spatie/laravel-mailcoach-sendinblue-setup | Setup Sendinblue for use with Mailcoach | |
spatie/laravel-mailcoach-ses-feedback | Process feedback for email campaigns sent using Amazon SES | |
spatie/laravel-mailcoach-ses-setup | Setup SES for use with Mailcoach | |
spatie/laravel-mailcoach-unlayer | An Unlayer editor package for Mailcoach | |
spatie/laravel-mail-preview | A mail driver to quickly preview mail | |
spatie/laravel-markdown | A highly configurable markdown renderer and Blade component for Laravel | |
spatie/laravel-medialibrary | Associate files with Eloquent models | |
spatie/laravel-menu | Html menu generator for Laravel | |
spatie/laravel-migrate-fresh | A command to build up the database from scratch | |
spatie/laravel-missing-page-redirector | Redirect missing pages in your Laravel application | |
spatie/laravel-mix-preload | Add preload and prefetch links based your Mix manifest | |
spatie/laravel-model-cleanup | This package deletes unneeded records in a database. | |
spatie/laravel-model-flags | Add flags to Eloquent models | |
spatie/laravel-model-info | Get information about the models in your Laravel app | |
spatie/laravel-model-states | State support for Eloquent models | |
spatie/laravel-model-status | A package to enable assigning statuses to Eloquent Models | |
spatie/laravel-morph-map-generator | Automatically generate morph maps in your Laravel application | |
spatie/laravel-multitenancy | Make your Laravel app usable by multiple tenants | |
spatie/laravel-navigation | Manage menus, breadcrumbs, and other navigational elements in Laravel apps | |
spatie/laravel-newsletter | Manage Mailcoach and MailChimp newsletters in Laravel | |
spatie/laravel-notification-log | Log notifications sent by your Laravel app | |
spatie/laravel-onboard | A Laravel package to help track user onboarding steps | |
spatie/laravel-open-telemetry | Measure performance across jobs and services | |
spatie/laravel-options | Create arrays of options from different sources | |
spatie/laravel-or-abort | A trait to add OrAbort functions to a class | |
spatie/laravel-package-tools | Tools for creating Laravel packages | |
spatie/laravel-paginateroute | Laravel outer extension to easily use laravel's paginator without the query string | |
spatie/laravel-partialcache | Blade directive to cache rendered partials in laravel | |
spatie/laravel-pdf | Create PDFs in Laravel apps | |
spatie/laravel-permission | Permission handling for Laravel 8.0 and up | |
spatie/laravel-personal-data-export | Create personal data downloads in a Laravel app | |
spatie/laravel-pjax | A pjax middleware for Laravel 5 | |
spatie/laravel-prefixed-ids | Friendly prefixed IDs for Laravel models | |
spatie/laravel-prometheus | Export Laravel metrics to Prometheus | |
spatie/laravel-query-builder | Easily build Eloquent queries from API requests | |
spatie/laravel-queueable-action | Queueable action support in Laravel | |
spatie/laravel-queued-db-cleanup | Safely delete large numbers of records | |
spatie/laravel-random-command | Execute a random Laravel command | |
spatie/laravel-rate-limited-job-middleware | A middleware that can rate limit jobs | |
spatie/laravel-ray | Easily debug Laravel apps | |
spatie/laravel-rdap | Perform RDAP queries in a Laravel app | |
spatie/laravel-referer | Keep a visitor's original referer in session | |
spatie/laravel-remote | Execute Artisan commands on remote servers | |
spatie/laravel-resource-endpoints | Add links to Laravel API resources | |
spatie/laravel-resource-links | Add links to Laravel API resources | |
spatie/laravel-responsecache | Speed up a Laravel application by caching the entire response | |
spatie/laravel-robots-middleware | Add an `all` or `none` robots header to your requests via a middleware in Laravel | |
spatie/laravel-route-attributes | Auto register routes using PHP attributes | |
spatie/laravel-route-discovery | Auto register routes using PHP attributes | |
spatie/laravel-schedule-monitor | Monitor scheduled tasks in a Laravel app | |
spatie/laravel-schemaless-attributes | Add schemaless attributes to Eloquent models | |
spatie/laravel-searchable | Pragmatically search through models and other sources | |
spatie/laravel-server-monitor | Monitor servers | |
spatie/laravel-server-side-rendering | Server side rendering JavaScript in your Laravel application | |
spatie/laravel-settings | Store your application settings | |
spatie/laravel-short-schedule | Schedule artisan commands to run using a sub-minute frequency | |
spatie/laravel-signal-aware-command | Handle signals in artisan commands | |
spatie/laravel-sitemap | Create and generate sitemaps with ease | |
spatie/laravel-site-search | A site search engine | |
spatie/laravel-slack-alerts | Send a message to Slack | |
spatie/laravel-slack-slash-command | Make a Laravel app respond to a slash command from Slack | |
spatie/laravel-sluggable | Generate slugs when saving Eloquent models | |
spatie/laravel-sql-commenter | Add comments to SQL queries made by Laravel | |
spatie/laravel-stats | Track application stat changes over time | |
spatie/laravel-stripe-webhooks | Handle stripe webhooks in a Laravel application | |
spatie/laravel-stubs | Opinionated Laravel stubs | |
spatie/laravel-superseeder | Quickly seed eloquent models from raw data | |
spatie/laravel-support-bubble | A non-intrusive support chat bubble that can be displayed on any page | |
spatie/laravel-support-form | A non-intrusive support chat bubble that can be displayed on any page | |
spatie/laravel-tags | Add tags and taggable behaviour to your Laravel app | |
spatie/laravel-tail | Easily tail application logs | |
spatie/laravel-tinker-tools | Use short class names in an Artisan tinker session | |
spatie/laravel-translatable | A trait to make an Eloquent model hold translations | |
spatie/laravel-translation-loader | Store your language lines in the database, yaml or other sources | |
spatie/laravel-twitter-streaming-api | Easily work with the Twitter Streaming API in a Laravel app | |
spatie/laravel-typescript-transformer | Transform your PHP structures to TypeScript types | |
spatie/laravel-uptime-monitor | A powerful, easy to configure uptime monitor | |
spatie/laravel-url-signer | Laravel implementation of spatie/signed-url | |
spatie/laravel-validation-rules | A set of useful Laravel validation rules | |
spatie/laravel-valuestore | Easily store some values | |
spatie/laravel-varnish | Making Varnish and Laravel play nice together | |
spatie/laravel-view-components | A better way to connect data with view rendering in Laravel | |
spatie/laravel-view-models | View models in Laravel | |
spatie/laravel-visit | Quickly visit any route of your Laravel app | |
spatie/laravel-webhook-client | Receive webhooks in Laravel apps | |
spatie/laravel-webhook-server | Send webhooks in Laravel apps | |
spatie/laravel-web-tinker | Artisan Tinker in your browser | |
spatie/laravel-welcome-notification | Send a welcome notification to new users | |
spatie/last-fm-now-playing | Get track info that a user is currently playing | |
spatie/lighthouse-php | Run Google Lighthouse using PHP | |
spatie/livewire-filepond | Upload files using Filepond in Livewire components | |
spatie/macroable | A trait to dynamically add methods to a class | |
spatie/mailcoach | Self-host Mailcoach | |
spatie/mailcoach-mailer | The Mailcoach transport for Symfony Mailer | |
spatie/mailcoach-sdk-php | An SDK for using the Mailcoach API in PHP | |
spatie/mailcoach-ui | The UI of the Mailcoach app | |
spatie/mailcoach-vapor | Self-host Mailcoach on Laravel Vapor | |
spatie/menu | Html menu generator | |
spatie/mixed-content-scanner | Scan your site for mixed content | |
spatie/mixed-content-scanner-cli | A tool to scan sites for mixed content | |
spatie/mjml-php | Convert MJML to HTML using PHP | |
spatie/mjml-sidecar | Compile MJML to HTML using Sidecar | |
spatie/nova-backup-tool | A Laravel Nova tool to backup your application. | |
spatie/nova-tags-field | A tags field for Nova apps | |
spatie/nova-tail-tool | A Laravel Nova tool to display the application log. | |
spatie/nova-translatable | Making Nova fields translatable | |
spatie/once | A magic memoization function | |
spatie/one-package-to-rule-them-all | Why require one if you can require them all? | |
spatie/opening-hours | A helper to query and format a set of opening hours | |
spatie/or-else | A trait to add orElse functions to a class | |
spatie/packagist-api | Fetch package info from Packagist | |
spatie/payment | A Laravel 5 package to verify and accept payments from payment gateways | |
spatie/pdf-to-image | Convert a pdf to an image | |
spatie/pdf-to-text | Extract text from a pdf | |
spatie/period | Complex period comparisons | |
spatie/pest-expectations | A collection of handy custom Pest customisations | |
spatie/pest-plugin-route-testing | Make sure all routes in your Laravel app are ok | |
spatie/pest-plugin-snapshots | A package for snapshot testing in Pest | |
spatie/pest-plugin-test-time | A Pest plugin to control the flow of time | |
spatie/php-cloneable | A trait that allows you to clone readonly properties in PHP 8.1 | |
spatie/php-structure-discoverer | Automatically discover structures within your PHP application | |
spatie/php-type-graph | Build a graph off all the types within your project | |
spatie/phpunit-snapshot-assertions | Snapshot testing with PHPUnit | |
spatie/phpunit-watcher | Automatically rerun PHPUnit tests when source code changes | |
spatie/pixelmatch-php | Compare images using PHP | |
spatie/query-string | Manipulate query strings | |
spatie/ray | Debug with Ray to fix problems faster | |
spatie/regex | A sane interface for php's built in preg_* functions | |
spatie/robots-txt | Determine if a page may be crawled from robots.txt and robots meta tags | |
spatie/schema-org | A fluent builder types and ld+json generator | |
spatie/searchindex | Store and retrieve objects from Elasticsearch or Algolia | |
spatie/security-advisories-health-check | A Laravel Health check to security advisories for PHP packages | |
spatie/server-monitor-app | A PHP application to monitor the health of your servers | |
spatie/server-side-rendering | Server side rendering JavaScript in your PHP application | |
spatie/sheets | Store & retrieve your static content in plain text files | |
spatie/shiki-php | Highlight code using Shiki in PHP | |
spatie/sidecar-shiki | Run Shiki highlighting with Sidecar | |
spatie/simple-excel | Read and write simple Excel and CSV files | |
spatie/spatie-content-api | The content API used at promotional sites for our own products | |
spatie/spatie-price-api | The Price API used at promotional sites for our own products | |
spatie/ssh | A lightweight package to execute commands over an SSH connection | |
spatie/ssl-certificate | A class to easily query the properties of an ssl certificate | |
spatie/ssl-certificate-chain-resolver | SSL certificate chain resolver | |
spatie/statamic-algolia-places | An Algolia Places autocomplete dropdown fieldtype for the Statamic Control Panel | |
spatie/statamic-health | Check the health of your Statamic app | |
spatie/statamic-mailcoach | ||
spatie/statamic-responsive-images | Responsive Images for Statamic | |
spatie/string | String handling evolved | |
spatie/sun | Get information on the position of the sun | |
spatie/symfony-ignition-bundle | A beautiful error page for Symfony apps | |
spatie/tabular-assertions | Write tabular assertions with Pest or PHPUnit | |
spatie/tax-calculator | A set of interfaces and methods to clean up your application's tax calculations | |
spatie/temporary-directory | Easily create, use and destroy temporary directories | |
spatie/test-time | A small package to control the flow time | |
spatie/twitter-labs | PHP client for Twitter Labs endpoints | |
spatie/twitter-oembed | Retrieve tweets with the Twitter oEmbed API | |
spatie/twitter-streaming-api | Easily work with the Twitter Streaming API | |
spatie/typed | Improvements to PHP's type system in userland: generics, typed lists, tuples and structs | |
spatie/typescript-transformer | Transform your PHP structures to TypeScript types | |
spatie/unit-conversions | Perform unit conversions in PHP | |
spatie/uptime-monitor-app | A PHP application to monitor uptime and ssl certificates | |
spatie/url | Parse, build and manipulate URL's | |
spatie/url-signer | Generate a url with an expiration date and signature to prevent unauthorized access | |
spatie/value-object | Data transfer objects with batteries included | |
spatie/valuestore | Easily store some values | |
spatie/visit | Visit any URL and get its output in a beautiful way. | |
spatie/weight-conversions | Weight conversions in PHP | |
spatie/wordpress-ray | Debug WordPress apps with ease | |
spatie/workshop-unit-conversions | A package to perform unit conversions | |
spatie/x-ray | Quickly scan source code for calls to Ray | |
spatie/yaml-front-matter | A to the point yaml front matter parser | |
spatie/yii-ray | Easily debug Yii apps |