Keep your dependencies up-to-date

Package.Health uses semantic versioning to detect outdated or insecure dependencies in your project's composer.json.

Packages from slam

Package Status
slam/alert-on-composerlock-change Composer plugin that alerts (in dev) that composer.lock changed and so the developer should run `composer install` Dependency Badge
slam/basepath PHP middleware to remove a path prefix from request uri Dependency Badge
slam/composer-folders-plugin Create and clean specified folders Dependency Badge
slam/composer-hgrc-plugin Install a hgrc hook to check composer dependancies which need to be updated Dependency Badge
slam/dbal-debugstack-middleware Doctrine\DBAL middleware for precise query debugging (DebugStack replacement) Dependency Badge
slam/flysystem-core-proxy FlySystem core classes for proxy adapters Dependency Badge
slam/flysystem-gzip-proxy FlySystem adapter to Gzip content before sending it to the real adapter Dependency Badge
slam/flysystem-local-cache-proxy FlySystem adapter to cache locally the content of files Dependency Badge
slam/flysystem-v1encrypt-proxy FlySystem adapter to Encrypt content before sending it to the real adapter Dependency Badge
slam/flysystem-zip-proxy FlySystem adapter to Zip content before sending it to the real adapter Dependency Badge
slam/laminas-log-extensions Slam extensions for laminas/laminas-log Dependency Badge
slam/mysql-php PHP version of mysql cli that comes with MySQL Dependency Badge
slam/openspout-helper PhpSpreadsheet helper to create organized data table Dependency Badge
slam/phpactor-extension PhpActor extension Dependency Badge
slam/php-cs-fixer-extensions Slam extension of friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer Dependency Badge
slam/php-debug-r Debug function Dependency Badge
slam/php-errorhandler-legacy Crappy class to manage errors and exceptions Dependency Badge
slam/php-excel Old faster PHPExcel Dependency Badge
slam/php-p7m-reader P7M Reader Dependency Badge
slam/php-spreadsheet-helper PhpSpreadsheet helper to create organized data table Dependency Badge
slam/php-sql-legacy Crappy SQL related classes Dependency Badge
slam/phpstan-extensions Slam extension of phpstan Dependency Badge
slam/phpstan-laminas-framework Laminas Framework 3 MVC controller plugin extension for PHPStan. Dependency Badge
slam/phpstan-metapackage Slam PHPStan metapackage Dependency Badge
slam/phpstan-zend-framework Zend Framework 3 MVC controller plugin extension for PHPStan. Dependency Badge
slam/php-symmetric-encryption PHP Symmetric Encryption Dependency Badge
slam/phpunit-extensions Slam extensions for phpunit/phpunit Dependency Badge
slam/php-validatore-fattura-elettronica Validatore fattura elettronica Dependency Badge
slam/php-whoops-handlers Additional handlers for Whoops Dependency Badge
slam/psql-php PHP version of psql cli that comes with PostgreSQL Dependency Badge
slam/psr7-get-client-ip Retrieve Client IP from a ServerRequestInterface Dependency Badge
slam/tcpdf TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents and barcodes. Dependency Badge
slam/yii2-js-cookie Asset Bundle for Yii2 with JavaScript Cookie. Dependency Badge
slam/zend-log-extensions Slam extensions for zendframework/zend-log Dependency Badge
slam/zend-mail-extensions Slam extensions for zendframework/zend-mail Dependency Badge