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Packages from sitegeist

Package Status
sitegeist/archaeopteryx The missing link editor for Neos Dependency Badge
sitegeist/artclasses Provides a standard API for Neos media interpretation using external (AI) tools. Dependency Badge
sitegeist/artclasses-azurecomputervisioninterpreter Provides an Azure Computer Vision based interpreter for ArtClasses. Dependency Badge
sitegeist/artclasses-deepltranslator Provides a DeepL based translator for ArtClasses interpretations. Dependency Badge
sitegeist/artclasses-googlecloudvisioninterpreter Provides a Google Cloud Vision based interpreter for ArtClasses. Dependency Badge
sitegeist/artclasses-openaitagger OpenAI API based tagger implementation for ArtClasses. Dependency Badge
sitegeist/assetsource-3qvideo Neos Asset Source for 3Q Videos Dependency Badge
sitegeist/base-url Determinates base URL from site configurations for scripts where no FE or BE context is available like commands or tasks Dependency Badge
sitegeist/bitzer A content lifecycle task manager for Neos CMS Dependency Badge
sitegeist/bitzer-review The review plugin for the Bitzer content lifecycle task manager for Neos CMS Dependency Badge
sitegeist/chantalle Adopt packages into the local distribution package folder and adjust the names Dependency Badge
sitegeist/chatterbox Dependency Badge
sitegeist/chitchat Random texts to be used as styleguide props Dependency Badge
sitegeist/cookiebouncer Dependency Badge
sitegeist/criticalmass Handle critical masses of nodes in Neos Dependency Badge
sitegeist/csv-labels Use CSV files to provide translation labels to TYPO3 Dependency Badge
sitegeist/csvpo CSV based translations handling for Neos for easy use and colocation with presentational fusion Dependency Badge
sitegeist/editor-widgets Collection of dashboard widgets designed for TYPO3 editors Dependency Badge
sitegeist/flowakamainetstorage Dependency Badge
sitegeist/flow-openaiclientfactory Dependency Badge
sitegeist/fluid-components Encapsulated frontend components with Fluid's ViewHelper syntax Dependency Badge
sitegeist/fluid-components-linter Tool to validate fluid components based on a specified ruleset Dependency Badge
sitegeist/fluid-styleguide Living styleguide for Fluid Components Dependency Badge
sitegeist/fluid-tagbuilder ViewHelpers for html5 tags that improve readability in complex fluid templates Dependency Badge
sitegeist/fusionform-friendlycaptcha FriendlyCaptcha field and validator for Neos.Fusion.Form Dependency Badge
sitegeist/fusionform-upload Dependency Badge
sitegeist/fusionlinkprototypes Missing Prototypes for easier linking to actions and modules Dependency Badge
sitegeist/iconoclasm Imagemin integration for Neos Images Dependency Badge
sitegeist/image-jack Jack of all trades concerning image optimization. Also introduces the usage of next-gen-image-formats Dependency Badge
sitegeist/inspectorgadget Edit value objects in the inspector Dependency Badge
sitegeist/janitor Clean up your content repository Dependency Badge
sitegeist/kaleidoscope Responsive-images for Neos Dependency Badge
sitegeist/kaleidoscope-wtf Tools to better understand the Sitegeist.Kaleidoscope image rendering Dependency Badge
sitegeist/klarschiff Flow Package to avoid browser caching for updated resources Dependency Badge
sitegeist/lazybones Lazy loading for sitegeist/kaleidoscope Dependency Badge
sitegeist/lostintranslation Automatic content translations for Neos using the DeepL Api Dependency Badge
sitegeist/lostintranslation-csvpo Dependency Badge
sitegeist/magicwand Tools that make the Flow/Neos development easier Dependency Badge
sitegeist/monocle An living-styleguide for Neos that is based on the actual fusion-code Dependency Badge
sitegeist/monocle-backstopjs BackstopJS Connector for Sitegeist.Monocle Dependency Badge
sitegeist/monocle-presentationobjects An adapter to simplify and improve handling of PresentationObjects in Monocle Dependency Badge
sitegeist/monocle-proptypes An addon for Sitegeist.Monocle that generates a rich prop editor configuration from PackageFactory.AtomicFusion.PropTypes Dependency Badge
sitegeist/movealong Render 4xx status pages via fusion Dependency Badge
sitegeist/neos-base-distribution Sitegeist Neos Base Distribution Dependency Badge
sitegeist/neosguidelines A package to validate projects against the sitegeist-project-guidelines. Dependency Badge
sitegeist/neos-symfonymailer A connector to use the symfony mailer component in Neos.Fusion.Form Actions and via PHP Dependency Badge
sitegeist/neos-symfonymailer-factories Dependency Badge
sitegeist/neostemplate-spectral Neos Integration of the HTML5UP Template 'Spectral' Dependency Badge
sitegeist/noderobis Dependency Badge
sitegeist/nomenclator Glossary for Neos Dependency Badge
sitegeist/offcors CORS Middleware for Neos-CMS / Flow-Framework Dependency Badge
sitegeist/origami Flow package that optimizes generated thumbnail images (jpg, png, gif, svg) for web presentation. Dependency Badge
sitegeist/papertiger Editable forms for Neos CMS Dependency Badge
sitegeist/papertrail Sticky Notes for Neos, only visible in the Backend Dependency Badge
sitegeist/pyranodis Dependency Badge
sitegeist/rollup Dependency Badge
sitegeist/scentmark Dependency Badge
sitegeist/schemeonyou JSON Schema integration for Neos.Flow Dependency Badge
sitegeist/silhouettes Preconfigure property-silhuettes that can be applied to various properties of multiple NodeTypes. Dependency Badge
sitegeist/slipstream Teleport any HTML tag to antoher place of the document. Mostly used for CSS and JS Dependency Badge
sitegeist/sms-responsive-images Provides ViewHelpers and configuration to render valid responsive images based on TYPO3's image cropping tool. Dependency Badge
sitegeist/stagefog Control reloading when nodes are modified Dependency Badge
sitegeist/stalemate Cache with stale period and asynchronous updates Dependency Badge
sitegeist/stampede svg-sprite icons for Neos Dependency Badge
sitegeist/stencil Structure mode for Neos Dependency Badge
sitegeist/stencil-roller Json rendering for headless Neos Dependency Badge
sitegeist/stonetablet Export function for neos fusion forms Dependency Badge
sitegeist/taxonomy Manage vocabularies and taxonomies as separate node-hierarchy. Dependency Badge
sitegeist/taxonomy-elasticsearch Dependency Badge
sitegeist/translatelabels This extension extends the TYPO3 translation handling by translation records that can be edited by backend users. In this way backend users are able to translate labels without having access to the language files. Dependency Badge
sitegeist/treasuremap Switch between multiple cache-backend via environment configuration. Dependency Badge
sitegeist/turncoat Theming for Neos CMS Dependency Badge
sitegeist/widget-mirror Collection of useful dashboard widgets for TYPO3 Dependency Badge
sitegeist/zombiehunt Find undead (hidden and long untouched) content and help killing it for good Dependency Badge