29 total, 22 outdated, 6 unknown
Package | Required | Latest | Status | |
benmanu/silverstripe-simple-styleguide | Provides a kitchen sink template useful for theme development. | ~2.0.5 | 3.0.0 | outdated |
bringyourownideas/silverstripe-composer-security-checker | Provides information if your SilverStripe application uses dependencies with known vulnerabilities. | ^2.0 | 2.0.4 | up to date |
bringyourownideas/silverstripe-composer-update-checker | Checks if any composer packages needs to be updated. | ^2.0 | 4.1.2 | outdated |
bringyourownideas/silverstripe-maintenance | Toolset to help with the day by day maintenance work. | ^2.2 | 3.2.0 | outdated |
dnadesign/silverstripe-elemental-userforms | Adds a new element for usersforms | ^3.0.0 | 4.1.2 | outdated |
dynamic/silverstripe-elemental-blog | Show recent posts from a featured blog. | ~2.1.1 | 3.0.1 | outdated |
heyday/silverstripe-menumanager | Allows complex menu management to be handled through the CMS when a simple tree structure is not enough. | ~3.0.4 | 4.3.0 | outdated |
jonom/focuspoint | Smarter automatic image cropping for SilverStripe | ~3.1.1 | 5.0.0 | outdated |
jonom/silverstripe-betternavigator | Front-end utility menu for Silverstripe websites featuring administration and development tools | ~5.0.1 | 6.1.0 | outdated |
silverstripe/bambusa-theme | SilverStripe Bambusa theme | dev-master | | unknown |
silverstripe/blog | A fresh take on blogging in Silverstripe set out to tackle the issue of a cluttered Site Tree. | ^3.3 | 4.3.3 | outdated |
silverstripe/crontask | Module for running tasks with a standard cron timeschedule | ^2.1.2 | 3.0.4 | outdated |
silverstripe/dynamodb | SilverStripe DynamoDB integration. | ^4.0.2 | 5.0.1 | outdated |
silverstripe/fulltextsearch | Adds support for Fulltext Search engines like Sphinx and Solr to SilverStripe CMS | ^3.5 | 4.0.5 | outdated |
silverstripe/login-forms | A collection of templates for the CMS login screens | ^4.0@beta | 5.3.0 | outdated |
silverstripe/raygun | Raygun integration for SilverStripe | ^3.1.0 | 4.0.1 | outdated |
silverstripe/recipe-cms | SilverStripe recipe for fully featured page and asset content editing | ^4.7 | 5.3.0 | outdated |
silverstripe/recipe-content-blocks | Add content blocks to your Silverstripe CMS project | ^2.3 | 3.3.0 | outdated |
silverstripe/recipe-plugin | Helper plugin to install SilverStripe recipes | ^1 | 2.0.1 | outdated |
silverstripe/sharedraftcontent | Share draft page content with non-CMS users | ^2.3 | 3.3.1 | outdated |
silverstripe/theme-colorpicker | Color picker module for the site available under admin settings | ^1 | | unknown |
silverstripe/theme-fontpicker | Customise site fonts from the admin settings | ^1 | | unknown |
sminnee/silverstripe-amplitude | Integration with via silverstripe-tagmanager | dev-master | | unknown |
sminnee/silverstripe-asknicely | Adds an AskNicely NPS Web Survey to your site. | ^1.0@dev | | unknown |
sminnee/tagmanager | SilverStripe's server-side answer to Google/Adobe Tag Manager | ^1.0.0 | | unknown |
symbiote/silverstripe-advancedworkflow | Adds configurable workflow support to the CMS, with a GUI for creating custom workflow definitions. | ^5.2 | 6.3.0 | outdated |
symfony/process | Executes commands in sub-processes | ^3.2 | v7.2.0 | outdated |
tractorcow/silverstripe-fluent | Simple localisation for Silverstripe | ^4.2 | 7.2.3 | outdated |
wilr/silverstripe-googlesitemaps | SilverStripe support for the Google Sitemaps XML, enabling Google and other search engines to see all urls on your site. This helps your SilverStripe website rank well in search engines, and to encourage the information on your site to be discovered quickly. | ~2.1.5 | 3.1.0 | outdated |
2 total, 1 outdated
Package | Required | Latest | Status | |
phpunit/phpunit | The PHP Unit Testing framework. | ^5.7 | 12.0.4 | outdated |
squizlabs/php_codesniffer | PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards. | ^3 | 3.11.3 | up to date |