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Packages from silinternational

Package Status
silinternational/apiaxle-sdk-php PHP client for ApiAxle APIs Dependency Badge
silinternational/app-deployment-tracker-ga Simple script as Docker image for tracking application deployments with Google Analytics from a CI/CD environment Dependency Badge
silinternational/crashplan-php-client PHP client library for interacting with CrashPlan API Dependency Badge
silinternational/ecs-deploy Simple shell script for initiated blue-green deployments on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) Dependency Badge
silinternational/email-service-php-client PHP client to interact with our Email Service API: Dependency Badge
silinternational/google-api-php-client-mock Attempting to create an intelligent mock of the Google API PHP Client for unit and functional testing. Dependency Badge
silinternational/google-sheets-php A simple library for pushing data to a Google Sheet using the Google PHP API Client version 1 Dependency Badge
silinternational/hipchat-php-client PHP client library for interacting with HipChat V2 API Dependency Badge
silinternational/idp-id-broker-php-client PHP client to interact with our IdP ID Broker's API: Dependency Badge
silinternational/idp-pw-api-auth-saml SAML Auth component for IdP PW API Dependency Badge
silinternational/idp-pw-api-common Common interfaces and bases classes for integration components. Dependency Badge
silinternational/idp-pw-api-passwordstore-google Password store component for IdP PW API that uses Google as the backend. Dependency Badge
silinternational/idp-pw-api-passwordstore-id-broker Id Broker Password Store component for IdP PW API Dependency Badge
silinternational/idp-pw-api-passwordstore-ldap LDAP Password Store component for IdP PW API Dependency Badge
silinternational/idp-pw-api-passwordstore-multiple Password store component for IdP PW API for using multiple backends. Dependency Badge
silinternational/idp-pw-api-personnel-id-broker IdP Password Management personnel component for ID Broker Dependency Badge
silinternational/idp-pw-api-personnel-insite IdP Password Management personnel component for Insite Dependency Badge
silinternational/idp-pw-api-personnel-multiple Personnel component for IdP PW API for using multiple backends. Dependency Badge
silinternational/idp-pw-api-phoneverification-nexmo PhoneVerification component for IdP PW API that uses Nexmo services for SMS/Voice verification Dependency Badge
silinternational/jira-php-client PHP client library for interacting with the Jira API Dependency Badge
silinternational/opsworks-deploy Shell script to initiate and monitor OpsWorks application deployments using AWC CLI scripts Dependency Badge
silinternational/php-array-dot-notation PHP library for using dot notation in arrays Dependency Badge
silinternational/php-env Simple PHP library for getting (or requiring) environment variables, designed to handle true, false, and null more intelligently. If desired, an environment variable's value can be split into an array automatically. Dependency Badge
silinternational/psr3-adapters Various PSR3-compatible logging adapters. Dependency Badge
silinternational/s3-expand CLI tool to expand files from S3 into a Docker container Dependency Badge
silinternational/simplesamlphp-module-expirychecker simpleSAMLphp module for warning users that their password will expire soon or has already expired. Dependency Badge
silinternational/simplesamlphp-module-material Material Design theme for IdP Hub based on SimpleSAMLphp Dependency Badge
silinternational/simplesamlphp-module-mfa A simpleSAMLphp module for prompting the user for MFA credentials (such as a TOTP code, etc.). Dependency Badge
silinternational/simplesamlphp-module-profilereview A simpleSAMLphp module for prompting the user to review their profile (such as 2fa, email, etc.). Dependency Badge
silinternational/simplesamlphp-module-silauth SimpleSAMLphp auth module implementing various security measures before calls to IdP ID Broker backend Dependency Badge
silinternational/simplesamlphp-module-sildisco IdP Discovery module for simpleSAMLphp with extra business logic Dependency Badge
silinternational/simplesamlphp-module-theme-material Material Design theme for IdP Hub based on SimpleSAMLphp Dependency Badge
silinternational/smartsheet-php-client PHP client library for interacting with Smartsheet API Dependency Badge
silinternational/ssp-deps Shared dependencies for simpleSAMLphp (aka. SSP) repos Dependency Badge
silinternational/ssp-utilities SimpleSAMLphp related utility classes Dependency Badge
silinternational/trello-php-client PHP client library for interacting with Trello API Dependency Badge
silinternational/yii2-codeception Patches to implement nice features of yii2-codeception since it was abandoned Dependency Badge
silinternational/yii2-email-log-target Yii2 log target for sending data to email without trace information Dependency Badge
silinternational/yii2-json-log-targets A collection of Yii2 log targets that format the log message as a JSON string. Dependency Badge
silinternational/yii2-jsonsyslog Yii2 log target for sending data to Syslog as a JSON encoded string Dependency Badge
silinternational/zoom-php-client PHP client library for interacting with the Zoom API Dependency Badge
silinternational/zxcvbn-api-client-php PHP client library for interacting with Zxcvbn API. See Dependency Badge