.Package | Status | |
shrikeh/adr-contracts | Contracts for Action Domain Responder (ADR) projects | |
shrikeh/bounce | Next generation event bus allowing for multiple events and fuzzy event matching | |
shrikeh/collections | Traits for re-use in immutable collections | |
shrikeh/crypto | OOP implementations of various encryption methods for PHP. Standardises implementation across different methods (mcrypt, openssl, etc). | |
shrikeh/datetime | Simple boilerplate library for dateftime periods and ranges | |
shrikeh/doctrine-tools | Tools and Traits for common Doctrine tasks | |
shrikeh/file | Simple OO wrapper around many standard PHP file operations (e.g. include, require, etc) | |
shrikeh/guzzle-middleware-response-timer | Measure response times in milliseconds over synchronous or asynchronous connections | |
shrikeh/macaroons | Port of libmacaroons | |
shrikeh/pagerduty-core | Core PagerDuty domain logic | |
shrikeh/pagerduty-pimple | Service Providers for Pimple DI integration of my PagerDuty library | |
shrikeh/php-coding-bible | PHP Coding bible and associated sniffs | |
shrikeh/precision | Classes to describe Euclidean space | |
shrikeh/symfony-http-kernel | A testable, environment-driven variant of the default generated kernel created by Symfony. | |
shrikeh/teapot | PHP HTTP Response Status library | |
shrikeh/testing-metapackage | Metapackage of compatible testing and quality tools for reuse |