.Package | Status | |
shipmonk/composer-dependency-analyser | Fast detection of composer dependency issues (dead dependencies, shadow dependencies, misplaced dependencies) | |
shipmonk/dead-code-detector | Dead code detector to find unused PHP code via PHPStan extension. Can automatically remove dead PHP code. Supports libraries like Symfony, Doctrine, PHPUnit etc. Detects dead cycles. | |
shipmonk/doctrine-entity-preloader | Efficient & easy to use solution to n+1 problem in Doctrine ORM | |
shipmonk/doctrine-hint-driven-sql-walker | Doctrine's SqlWalker that allows hooking multiple handlers via ->setHint() while each can edit produced SQL or its part. | |
shipmonk/doctrine-mysql-index-hints | Custom SQL walker for Doctrine allowing usage of MySQL index hints without need of native queries | |
shipmonk/doctrine-mysql-optimizer-hints | Custom SQL walker for Doctrine allowing usage of MySQL optimizer hints without need of native queries | |
shipmonk/doctrine-query-checker | Doctrine Query AST validator | |
shipmonk/doctrine-two-phase-migrations | Two phase migrations for Doctrine ORM: before and after deploying new codebase version | |
shipmonk/input-mapper | Performant array-to-object mapper supporting generics, array shapes, optional fields and much more! | |
shipmonk/name-collision-detector | Simple tool to find ambiguous classes or any other name duplicates within your project. | |
shipmonk/phpstan-baseline-per-identifier | Split your PHPStan baseline into multiple files, one per error identifier. Supports both neon baseline and PHP baseline. | |
shipmonk/phpstan-rules | Various extra strict PHPStan rules we found useful in ShipMonk. |