
10 total, 7 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
ergebnis/composer-normalize Provides a composer plugin for normalizing composer.json. ^2.5.1 2.45.0 up to date
korbeil/phpstan-generic-rules Generic rules extensions for PHPStan ^0.2.4 v2.0.0 outdated
phpstan/extension-installer Composer plugin for automatic installation of PHPStan extensions ^1.0.4 1.4.3 up to date
phpstan/phpstan PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool ^0.12.29 2.1.6 outdated
phpstan/phpstan-doctrine Doctrine extensions for PHPStan ^0.12.16 2.0.1 outdated
phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules Extra strict and opinionated rules for PHPStan ^0.12.2 2.0.3 outdated
phpstan/phpstan-webmozart-assert PHPStan webmozart/assert extension ^0.12.6 2.0.0 outdated
sylius-labs/coding-standard Battle-tested coding standard configuration used in Sylius. ^3.1.3 v4.4.0 outdated
symplify/easy-coding-standard Use Coding Standard with 0-knowledge of PHP-CS-Fixer and PHP_CodeSniffer ^7.0 || ^8.0 12.5.8 outdated
thecodingmachine/phpstan-safe-rule A PHPStan rule to detect safety issues. Must be used in conjunction with thecodingmachine/safe ^1.0 v1.4.0 up to date

Requires (dev)

No required development dependencies.